I know the title is confusing, but I will explain. A few months back I started using Homebridge with the Hubitat plugin and later added some other plugins. Mostly so I could get rid of my Harmony Hub, which I did accomplish with Homebridge + Homekit. I added Hubitat devices to Homekit and have been trying to figure how this all works together. What I would like to do is keep my Homebridge and the devices and plugins that I am using and remove everything else. Then I would like to set up the Hubitat + Homekit and expose the "everything else" to the new Hubitat + Homekit app.
My question is, what is the best way to do this?
So do you have devices that are only on Homebridge? The simple answer is you'd have to move everything to HE and expose via the HomeKit bridge or handle in Apple Home. An "issue" with HE HomeKit is it does not support locks and garage doors and this is due to Apple's licensing restrictions.
Another possibility is use something like Node-RED. You can include both HE and Homebridge devices.
Yes, I do have devices that are only on Homebridge. Some of these devices are wifi and not compatible with HE. My thought was to leave these devices on Homebridge and use HE+Homekit for all the devices now on HE. I just don't know how the Home app will work with Homebridge and HE + Homekit.
They are two different bridges so you should be okay.
Thanks for your help. I will give it a try.
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