Home Automation and WAF

First of all - Happy New Year!

I am running relatively complex Home Automation (C7, C8, HA). Generally my wife likes all these
things and as a result WAF is very high (so far). By this time near 100% is true automated and requires very minimal interactions. For manual controls I am using number of ZEN32 5-buttons
wall mounted Scene Controllers. They are doing very nice job but the problem is - it is very hard
to memorize what button does what. For this reason using "double click" and "long press" is not
allowed at all (silently I am using these functions). Attempts to somehow label buttons did not
work (I tried unsuccessfully many different labeling tricks). So, I was thinking about using
Touchscreen Panel as a Scene Controller and came across ready-to-go Sonoff NSPanel.
"As is" it is not very useful but relatively easy could be hacked with very nice and powerful
ESPHome project (integration requires Home Assistant which I already have in place).
I spent about a day and got everything working and integrated with HE via HA+HADB.
First project is/was targeted to replace ZEN32 in Kitchen. Here is a picture of customized NSPanel for Kitchen:

But I am glad, I showed it to my five before replacing ZEN32 in Kitchen.
I was really surprised by her first reaction. She sad: "I am using only two buttons and I know
very well what they are doing. Please stop yours unnecessary improvements. Everything
already works very well, etc...". But after few minutes she came back and said: "Could you
please replace that thing in a Living Room? Occasionally I need to turn On/Off lights and fans
manually but I really cannot remember which button does what".
I said, sure this will be done. All what i will have to do - is to retype electronic labels and
reassign more appropriate icons to each button. Now this will be very easy task.


LOL...you are smarter than a good many of us, I'm sure! :wink:

I have done some home automations "solo" and then proudly unveiled them for my wife and then paused for applause that never came. :scream:

Very cool that she had an alternate need that this fits and you could adjust it quickly and easily. Big win, I'd say. :smiley: The device looks sweet.

Curious about the size of your device...can you provide measurements or a picture that has something to compare it to?


Divorced in November, so no longer applicable. :slight_smile:

I don't think Home Automation was a factor.
However, my MAGAtudeness, was cited.

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Sorry to hear about your divorce, not fun.

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Sorry to hear this.

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Long time coming. For the best.

Why not use custom-etched buttons for the Zen32?

A. These custom-etched buttons are more expensive than ZEN32 itself.
B. Periodically buttons gets reassigned functions.

Other than the NSPanel can be installed in an existing single-gang box so a cleaner install, what are the benefits over using a $30 prepaid Android phone?

I was thinking about using cheap wifi only Android phone with nice looking Dashboard.
But phone installation couldn't be looking nice unless a very custom mounting hardware
could be designed and built. Plus NSPanel has 2 built-in relays, 2 physical buttons and
temp sensor.

That's what I struggle with too. I have a tablet stuck to side of kitchen cabinet using 3M Command Strips that put it only 12" from an outlet. I have a smart plug there to turn on/off power based on battery level.

My wife said NO WAY for any tablets on a walls.

In that case, congratulations on the divorce! I was ecstatic when mine when through….

Why is divorce so expensive? Because it’s WORTH IT!!!


Yeah I've had three expensive escapes. Fortunately 4th time's been lucky. Silver anniversary in 2025.


If I don't use a double-click or hold routine often, then I forget what it does.
If I do use those routines often, then I try to figure out a way to predict and automate.
Catch 22. Reminds me that I should revisit all of my button control rules.

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