Home Assistant & Hubitat?

Turning on a virtual switch to turn on lights when the doorbell is rang at night

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Here you go...

I use an animated background that changes based on the weather and time of day.


I'm using HA for a few things. I've found HA to be the best for getting my devices into Homebridge, for some reason, at some point all other methods have failed me, and I need HB for my Nest thermostat control.

I'm also using it for my Dash, using TileBoard. I love that app, and its given me the ability to put older tablets into action, I have a couple of Windows Surface RT tablets and this is working via Chrome (they are unable to run any other dash via browser).

These a are a couple of examples of my HA Dash using TB.

And via mobile.

Using the weather it opens up a modal, and shows more detail.

I do love that you "swipe" through the dash screens too, rather than have to have a button to link them.


I've been playing around with Home Assistant over the last couple of days. It's fun.... and the dashboards are prettier than the HE inbuilt ones (without a load of customised CSS) but I am thinking it doesn't give me really enough extra facility to have the trouble of maintaining a second system, and the one extra potential point of vulnerability, and the extra work for the hub to do interfacing with it. I am drawn back to the simplicity and efficiency of having it all happen on one system.

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I started down the rabbit hole too and agree re dashboards - can achieve a much cleaner interface that is much harder to achieve with Hubitat and the various dashboard solutions available. But mostly a stylistic preference than anything tangibly “better”.

There are a small number of integrations that I can’t achieve directly in Hubitat eg Neato vacuum cleaner, integration with my electricity monitor (emonpi).

What I can do is access Hubitat devices via the maker api from home assistant, is it possible to expose homeassistant switches or sensor data to Hubitat ? I’d like to keep my actual rules in one place, Hubitat.


This is one simple way to sync virtual switches or other binary virtual devices from HA to HE. It can be done with this integration too, No sensor data back into HE, but that can be done with MQTT or Node-Red, just not as simple to setup.

What are you using for this?

Is it Home assistant or hubitat?

What software are you using

It is a Home Assistant dashboard using the following HE integration.


I started with SmartThings. I added Home Assistant to see if I liked the interface. It also allowed me to connect directly to HomeKit. That allowed me to drop Home Bridge as I wasn't using it for anything else. Then I moved my Lutron Caseta Hub over. It's not the pro version. From there, I got the HE and moved all my remaining devices over to it. My latest addition is Node-Red. My lighting automations are complex and the HA UI difficult to use for them. I'll probably stay with this setup because I like HA's UI and Node-Red's automation programming interface.

I'm a Home Assistant + Hubitat + Node-RED user.

Hubitat handles devices so much better than anything I've ever had, so it remains in the mix using Jason's excellent HA Integration linked to above. At this point my HE is essentially just a device manager.

My main move to Home Assistant was driven by the ability to create a "floor plan" like this and I've found that HA is just so much more configurable and flexible than anything out there, but there is a steep learning curve.


Since you have your Lutron lights connected to Home Assistant via a non-Pro SmartBridge, you can now use Home Assistant to bring them into Hubitat if desired. A few of us (@ymerj, @tomw, and myself) in the community recently worked on a new driver in the thread below that provides a bi-directional HA device to HE integration. The number of device types supported is limited, but I have tested Lutron Switches and Dimmers, and they work fine. We also included many sensors, like Motion, Contact, Presence, Temperature, Humidity, Voltage, Garage Door, etc... There is no code to install on Home Assistant, just a few drivers on Hubitat.

Available here - GitHub - ymerj/HE-HA-control


I love this, any tips on how its done? I'm currently using TileBoard as my main dash, but this would be pretty awesome to have. :+1:

I'm considering buying the Pro version of the Caseta hub for two reasons. One is to avoid outages. I could access the hub from HA a month of two ago because of an AWS outage. It only lasted part of a day, but still a bother. The other reason is to gain access to the Pico remotes for other purposes.


Yes, I completely understand and agree. I really love the reliability of my SmartBridge Pro2.

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I came across a three part series of youtube videos on the subject. Here's a link to the first one. I haven't watched them so I can't speak to their quality. I'm sure there are others out there.


@Royski : Sorry for the late reply, i missed the fact it was a direct reply to my post.

I mainly followed Dr ZZz's How-Tos, which included using http://www.sweethome3d.com/

That app is fantastic as it generates the lighting effects.

The (yuck) YAML to get it all working suuuuucks, but it is doable. The biggest issue I have with Home Assistant is that things change often, so searching for help is super hard because if a blog post or article or video is even 4 months old, then it's more than likely out of date


I decided to try HA, just to see what it's like. I installed it on an old dual core Dell machine running Debian.
Installation was easy and it does a good job of finding a lot of things. Some I never even considered in the smart home context, like my printer.

I have some Lutron switches and lot's of Hue bulbs, and it connected to that stuff very easily and controlled them flawlessly and instantly. (but really no better than HE does) Since I didn't have zwave or zigbee (didn't want to spend any money when just testing it out) I wasn't able to test either of those.

The dashboards are where HA is way above HE, they look great, are easy to set up, and easy to theme.

The problem is the actual automations. I am not a coder but I am not ignorant of technology. I've edited many config files on many Linux machines over the years. There was some learning curve for HE, especially with more complicated rules, but setting up a simple rule like turning on the lights at sunset and off at sunrise was easy from the start.

Not so with HA. I spent hours messing around with both the HA interface and Node Red, just to duplicate some very simple automations that were trivial to set up in HE. I like tinkering, so it wasn't really a bad experience, but I cannot imagine needing to run my home with just this software.

I am not complaining here. I get that it is open source and that a lot of people work on it for free. I am pretty impressed with what they have done. I've heard it's gotten much better over the years and no doubt it will continue to improve. I say good luck and thanks to everyone who works on it.

Just thought I would share some of my recent experiences.


This was pretty well the thought process behind this integration. It makes a good device bridge.

There's support for some devices the just aren't available here yet, and if you have a lot of Xiaomi devices, the ConBee 2 or a Xioami Mijia Multimode gateway doesn't drop them, so that's a great option to be able to keep them on their own Zigbee controller and bring them into HE for automation. There's also HomeKit Controller (HomeKit Accessory Protocol) available, so this opens up even more devices.

But bringing them into HE for automation is ideal, because building automations in HA sucks. That's why most use NodeRed with it. But as you learned, that's a fairly steep learning curve vs Rule Machine.

As for Zigbee, well it's pretty good with a ConBee 2, but they don't support everything either, so It's very nice to have both. There are also some drivers for my Xiaomi devices that give me more capabilities on HE than the HA driver does. For Z-Wave, there's no comparison to HE. Here you have the latest Z-Wave 700 series, so while that's not ideal for everyone with old Z-Wave devices, it's really good (and getting better all the time) with new Z-Wave devices. HA also will not have Z-Wave LR, as that requires the 700 series chipset and the gateway software to support it. It's still future looking, since there are no Z-Wave LR devices yet, but when there are, it's going to be a game changer for Z-Wave fans willing to invest in the new devices.


I've been messing around with HA too. Very cool stuff. Have a ways to go - will not be incorporating it in any of my residential systems anytime soon due to potential support / maintenance issues. Node-RED on the other hand has been fantastic. I've not had any trouble in any of my systems so far :crossed_fingers: the oldest being installed August of last year. Note: My home system has been running with NR even longer..

I find the visual flow design to be very simple and intuitive and I suspect it reduces some overhead by offloading stuff from the HE Hubs - my memory footprint is very small on all three of my hubs. Of course that's just my experience. I've also run a local version of WebCoRE as well which I really liked too but I find NR to be a bit more flexible/expandable and platform agnostic.


I agree. HA is very good at finding things on your home network and offering to add an integration for them. I was incredibly impressed with how HA's latest Caseta integration works. Simply press the button on the back of the SmartBridge, and magically all switches, dimmers, fan controllers, picos, AND MOTION SENSORS appear in home assistant. This is much simpler than the Hubitat method, is still all local, and works very well. It also automagically adds any new devices you add to the SmartBridge. It is very similar to the Hue integration, where one also has to physically press the button on the Hue bridge.

Hubitat is still much easier to use both Zigbee and Z-Wave with. HA seems to be making slow and steady progress with these, but they have a long way to go to catch up. I do have a Conbee2, and it seems to work well enough with Iris v2 sensors during some brief testing. Getting the Conbee2 flashed with the latest firmware and getting its channel set properly, was not exactly what I'd call trivial. Hubitat wins in this area without question!

Agreed. I have seen some pretty amazing HA Lovelace-based dashboards. However, I rarely use dashboards for anything... :thinking:

Agreed. This is where Hubitat really shines. The built-in apps are very easy to use, and have been created based on real-world use-cases by the Hubitat team, as well as from listening to the community. HA now has BluePrints, which may help simplify creating automations for 'normal' users. :wink: If I was required to use HA right now, I would probably migrate most automations to Node-RED as @SmartHomePrimer and @erktrek have mentioned.

I have to say that HA's mobile app is incredibly easy to use, and provides full access to dashboards and administration while on the road. I used the free trial of Nabu Casa, to provide cloud-based access, and everything 'just worked' as one would expect . Since Hubitat is still my primary hub, I let the trial expire. Five dollars a month really isn't too bad, though, especially if it keeps the developers paid and focused on making things better for everyone.

I always enjoy learning new things, and I must say that Home Assistant has made some major improvements over the years. Heck, in just the past few months I have seen major enhancements to the system. I am running Hass on a Raspberry Pi 4 with a USB3 attached SATA SSD as the only bootable drive. This alleviates the microSD failure point which many discuss as a weakness of the RPi hardware. I do like that power users can choose as much, or as little, hardware as they'd like to run HA on. Using one of their Hass OS images, removes 99% of the Linux geek factor, and allows one to have a system up and running in less than 15 minutes. Running Supervised also brings easy access to Add-ons, for things like Node-RED, InfluxDB, Grafana, ESPHome, Network UPS Tolls (NUT), etc...

I am a happy Hubitat user, and plan on staying that way for a long time. I do like having the flexibility of using Hubitat, Home Assistant, and even SmartThings all integrated together. It is good to have options and flexibility.