Home Assistant devices work but not through schedule


I installed home assistant and discovered all the devices (wireless blinds through Tuya), they all work separately, If I select one and set it at 25%, it goes to 25%. If I set it to 0, it goes to 0, any device.
the problem is when I setup Rule Machine to run at sunset, only one or two blinds move.
I get no errors on the logs:
app:2302023-02-20 07:12:26.927 PMinfoDelay Over: Close: Family 3 Curtain, kitchen Curtain, Den Curtain, Master Curtain, Guest 1 Curtain, Guest 2 Curtain, Guest 3 Curtain, Family 1 Curtain, Family 2 Curtain

app:2302023-02-20 07:12:23.881 PMinfoAction: Close: Family 3 Curtain, kitchen Curtain, Den Curtain, Master Curtain, Guest 1 Curtain, Guest 2 Curtain, Guest 3 Curtain, Family 1 Curtain, Family 2 Curtain --> delayed: 0:00:03
I even setup delays in case the events were being lost by going together, I separated the devices into different lines of the same rule, I don't know what else to try.
Can someone help me troubleshoot this?
Am I trying to do a lot more than this is supposed to be doing?



If I’m reading your log correctly you are reissueing the same command to the same 9 devices after a 3 second delay. You may want to try metering the commands so you add a pause in between the device commands like below

Another option to try is to do 4 devices in the first run and 5 devices in the delayed run, so your not telling 9 devices to change state at the same time.

here's the actual rule:

they are separated, each one runs after 3 second delay.


That way they are still all delayed at the same time. Rule machine does not stop processing between scheduling delays. So they are all schedule to run in 3 seconds.

As @sidjohn1 suggested, the metering option would put a 3 sec between the actions.

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I'll try, does it make sense to create a rule for each set of blinds? (3 family room, 3 Guest room and the other 3?) will that overload rule maker?

thanks for the help,


I would say it would take a lot more then that to overload RM. But if you intend to run these 3 rules at the same time it is pretty much the same as all in one rule.

I delayed each rule 1 minute. let's see if it works.

thanks again

the strange thing is that if I run the rules manually, they work, even for the 9 blinds in one shot, it's only when it's scheduled.

That one I can't explain but I would definitely used the metering option. It's quite simple. It's a one line rule.

Can you tell me how to use the metering option?

Change the delays to as follows and it should work better:


I must have a different version, I don't have a meter slide, see attached.


You need to have more then one device selected for the metering option to appear

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It did the same thing with the metering and with the separate groups of blinds. it has to do with the scheduling, it works fine when I run the rules by themselves.


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