Hive Motion Sensor - Not Reporting Inactive

Hi, like many others i am moving from ST to HE and trying to find a suitable device handler for the ((many) hive motion sensors I have, rather than buy new ones. Seeing various previous threads and no custom device handler I have installed the generic zigbee motion sensor one. However as others have found out the device doesn't report when inactive so remains permanently active - not very helpful. The obvious thing to do, as I believe has been done for the Orvibo sensor is to just set it as inactive after 20-30 seconds but as a non coder, how? can someone please help? Thks.

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Do you live in the UK?

Hive discontinued sales of their devices in the USA and Canada at the end of 2019, even though some devices are still sold online. The Hive server and app no longer function.

Hive indicates ( that their plugs and bulbs will function with Zigbee capable Alexa devices. Thus, I presume they will work with Hubitat as well.

Hive does not indicate whether their battery powered sensors will work with another Zigbee hub such as Hubitat. They suggest that their sensors be taken to an electronics recycling center for disposal. While you might be able to write a device driver that will work, I doubt it is worth the time and effort to do so.

There are developers in the community that have written drivers for devices when there has been a significant demand. Since these devices have not been sold in North America for over 3 years, I doubt there is sufficient demand for them to devote their time to this effort. Such demand will decrease as time goes on.

One Hubitat compatible motion sensor that is of a similar size and shape to the Hive sensors is the one by Third Reality. It may not be as good as some devices, but it is less expensive than most.

I would advise caution in purchasing Aqara devices. While some Hubitat users have gotten them to work, it might require some effort and changes to your Zigbee mesh to do so. I had a couple of Aqara devices that worked with my C-7 hub, but stopped working when I upgraded to C-8. Rather than trying to figure out how to get them to work with C-8, I replaced them with devices in the Hubitat compatibility list.

Thks for your thoughts. Yes, I live in the UK where these items are still on sale. I have quite a few and got them working through a custom DTH with the ST v3 hub but with recent changes on ST I have switched to Hubitat. Looks as though I am going to have to replace them all - shame as they really are reliable devices with long battery life. Will try some others a suggested but will also hold out that someone has some other suggestions…

Please post the Hive Motion detector data as shown on Hubitat web page ‘Device Details’ Data section.

Hive can not be more non-standard than Tuya ,,. : )

Please install this custom driver : (link). Click on the Initialize button, then press F5 to refresh the browser. If you don't see " * deviceProfile : NONTUYA_MOTION_IAS" in the States variable section, manually configure the settings circled in green :

Let me know if this works for your device.

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Thks for looking at this.

Here's the response to your first request (device data for hive sensor configured with generic driver):

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I installed your custom driver and assigned it to a new hive motion sensor I am using for testing. With the reset to inactive switch on it reverted to inactive after about 1 minute. Is this as expected for timing? I will do some more testing but so far, s big thank you and another device to add to the list your driver work with. I will confirm in a few days after checking it with some other sensors and automations. Thks again for your help.


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Hi Krassimir,

I have installed your driver on about 10 motion sensors and set up several automation (using web core). So far so good. Just a couple of very minor points which I am not really concerned about - the current stats are not consistent across all devices. Some report the battery level as 80 and others as just 8? Some report the power source as battery and others as just ?. Appreciate that these could be made by different manufacturers for Hive and/or have different firmware levels which might give this result. Anyway many thanks again for providing your driver. It really has helped me transition to Hubitat from ST.



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