I've found it surprisingly difficult to hide temperature sensors from the sun AND the radiant heat produced by objects subjected to the sun.
For example, I put a sensor on the east side of an architectural feature on my west facing porch. The sensor is not exposed to direct sunlight but the feature it's attached to is, apparently absorbs energy, and radiates heat for hours after the sun has gone down.
So I'm curious how everyone is hiding outdoor temperature sensors from the sun.
Best suggestion I have is to locate the sensors on the North side of your house if you can. Perhaps under an eave (assuming a single-story house) on the North side.
I put mine in an accessible location on the East side of our house. Because of how our property is situated on the side of a mountain, this is the best location for me.
Regardless of it not being directly exposed to sunlight, the readings are too high for about an hour in the morning due to radiant heat from the side of the house below it. I simply ignore the readings during this period.
I have 4 Hue Outdoor sensors mounted at roughly 90-degrees apart. Their primary purpose is motion sensing and secondary purpose is illumination sensing. For temperature, I just capture the lowest reading.
One is located on the front porch fascia (brown). The rest are zip-tied to downspouts (also brown). Readings in direct sunlight are garbage, but the aluminum downspouts do not retain heat.
For temperature only, my first attempt would to mount on a north-facing feature. My second attempt might be downspouts on opposing corners and taking minimum value. My third attempt would be to install (or access) a proper weather station.
Agree with @Sakman I have an outdoor Hue motion mounted on the soffit of the north side of my house pointing out towards the yard. Putting it here direct sunlight never hits it so it gets a more accurate reading of light and temperature.