To begin with a confession - I know nothing of programming. But if pointed in the right direction, can copy & paste like its going out of style.
I used to use a Mimolite as a momentary switch to control my garage door. I had it disconnected from the GDO yesterday, and in a flash my cat Diesel ran off with it and dropped it in his water bowl. It's drying out in some rice, but I'm not hopeful.
So I pulled out a relay with a 120V coil, and decided to re-purpose a Securifi Peanut plug as a momentary switch to power the relay. There is a driver for this plug on GitHub that I modified to include momentary capability (Push) using Groovy examples I found.
It works well enough and I used it as a momentary switch in RM.
However, I also want to be able to make the physical button on the Peanut plug act like a momentary switch. I can do that using Rule Machine. Is there anyway to do that by modifying the device driver?
This is actually a lot easier than you have made it. All you need to do is add the off command to the bottom of the on function and have it run in say, 1 second. Like this:
That will turn the switch off 1 second after it turn on.
That works when I tried it using the device page. Will it also work when I turn the switch on physically? (I'm at work - so I can't try that right now).
Just find the section of code in the driver (i.e. the parse() routine) that recieves status updates from the Peanut when a change occurs, and add the runIn(1, off) command there. This way it should occur whether the device is operated manually (via physical button) or digitally via a Hubitat App. Both methods should result in the status of the device being reported back to Hubitat via the parse() function in the driver.
I just looked at the driver you linked above... Looks like you'll want to add some logic at about line 217/218. I added a /*** comment ***/ below in the area that I believe you should focus on.
def parse(String description) {
log "description is: $description"
def event = zigbee.getEvent(description)
if (event) {
log "event name is $"
if ( == "power") {
def powerValue
powerValue = (event.value as Integer) * getPowerMultiplier()
sendEvent(name: "power", value: powerValue)
def time = (now() - state.time) / 3600000 / 1000
state.time = now()
log "powerValues is $state.powerValue"
state.energyValue = state.energyValue + (time * state.powerValue)
state.powerValue = powerValue
// log "energyValue is $state.energyValue"
sendEvent(name: "energy", value: state.energyValue)
} else {
/*** Add your logic here to check if the 'event' was an 'on' event, and if so, call 'runIn(1, off)' ***/
} else if (description?.startsWith("read attr -")) {
Does your driver’s parse routine still handle the “off” event? Since you put the sendEvent() call inside your new if() block, I don’t see how it would still handle receiving an “off” Zigbee event.
It does. I am parsing ( == "switch" && event.value == "on"). Therefore, I'm guessing that (" == "switch" && event.value == "off") is picked up further down where there is another sendEvent(event).
In any event, it correctly displays on and off status.
I don't have much hope. I didn't realize he dropped in there until at least 10 minutes later. I spent most of time checking under the beds, which are Diesel's favorite spots for his loot.
I may be in need of a zigbee momentary contact for a possible Fall project. As for hardware, can I just purchase a Peanut and start from there? Or do I need access to an Almond hub, too?
@ogiewon is 100% correct. There may be zigbee momentary relays with dry contacts. I couldn't find any, so I use the Peanut plug as a momentary switch with a Zettler miniature power relay. The coil voltage for the Zettler is 120V. The common, NO, and NC terminals are dry contacts. Works great as a momentary relay to control a garage door.
You can use a Zigbee smart switch, an old 12vdc wall wart and an automotive relay to build your own. This is a popular solution for a cheap garage door opener. If you don't care about appearance, then it is a very cheap solution.