I’m working on replacing one of my the current 3-way switch setups with a GE z-wave dimmer and add-on switch. I’m having a heck of a time figuring out how the switches were originally wired though, and it’s not super clear to me where my line, load, neutral, etc… wires are. I’m attaching some pics of the two switches as well as the two fixtures they control.
Switch #1 is at the end of the hall, and is completely by itself. There’s only one romex coming into the box, and all three wires (white, black, and red) to be “hot”. By that I mean they both set off my pocket VoltProbe.
Fixture #1 (the one closest to switch #1) has one Romex bundle coming into the box. It seems to be wired pretty straight forward (black to black, white to white).
Fixture #2 has two Romex bundles coming into the box. The white wires are spliced together (along with the white fixture wire), and the black wires are hooked up the same way.
Switch #2 is in a shared 2-gang box (though the other switch in the box has been removed since converting a previous 3-way switch to a normal “one switch” setup). In this box, the white and the red wires triggered the VoltProbe, and they are both a part of the same Romex bundle. The black wire from that bundle is spliced together with the black wires from two other Romex bundles coming into the box. The black wire that was attached to the switch is a part of one of the other Romex bundles coming into the box.
I thought I had a relatively good understanding of how switches are wired, but 3-way setups have always been a bit confusing to me due to the multiple ways things can be done. In the end, for the z-wave switch setup to work, I need to have the line switch (primary switch) be wired with a line, load, neutral, and traveler connection. The load switch (add-on switch) will need a neutral and traveler connection to the switch, and the load wire from the primary switch should be spliced together with the load wire to the fixture.
I’m hoping this is less complicated than I’m making it out to be, but I just can’t seem to wrap my head around the current wiring.