Help with Rules for Screens

Huh, I've never seen an IF statement that doesn't include a "THEN" in the UI, but maybe I somehow write mine differently - I see @JB10's example above looks the same.

But as long as it works, roll with it. :man_shrugging:

Though not required in this particular case, I recommend getting in the habit of always closing an IF statement with an END-IF... If you just do that every time, then you won't forget in cases where it'll actually be required for the rule to execute properly.

@hydro311 This action is a simple conditional rather than a traditional IF/THEN. That is why there is no END-IF. From the documentation, "A simple conditional action is an expression that can be "attached" to a single action, and that action will only run if the condition is true....Unlike "full" conditional actions, a simple conditional action allows only a single action to run when the condition is true. It also does not provide a way to specify alternate flows if false."

What @user5402 is doing is just making sure the condition is true (all contacts closed), and if so, then closing the awnings. Utilizing the IF/THEN framework, this rule could be:

If all contacts are closed,
then close awnings

These two ways are functionally the same, just written differently. My version of the simple conditional action could also be written as:

If any contact is open,
wait for event - all contacts closed
Close Awnings
Close Awnings

TIL! I've obviously overlooked that option this whole time - thanks!