Help with rule logic

Had a rule that was working well when a switch was flipped it disarmed the alarm and opened the garage door. It would also turn on some lights if it was between two times. Iā€™ve edited it so it would not try to disarm if HSM was already disarmed so it wouldnā€™t make a beep on the alarm panel. Now it only opens the door if HSM is armed in some fashion. If it is disarmed, it does not open the garage door. I must be missing something in the logic?

I think you need an END-IF before the ELSE-IF to close out the nested IF statement that DIMs the Dining Room Light.

Edit: Each IF-THEN should have an associated END-IF. I believe your rule should have three of them.

+1 to pseudonym - or an Else IF is missing just above the first IF might do it.

Thank you both. Am I able to remove one of the light ifā€™s and still have it work for both?

@jasonp9 Not with it inside the IF-THEN-ELSE-IF condition. It looks like it might work if you move outside the condition as a separate condition itself.

IMO It could be a little simpler.

IF Armed
then open garage 
do light stuff if right time.

Thank you all. I trimmed it down and will see if it works when I get home.

Went simple and works great!