Help with ramping up or down LIFX

So i have new Pico remotes that i really like.

I'm looking to have a hold action on buttons 2 & 4 be a "ramp" dimming up and down, like my old Hue lights used to do. The kicker is LIFX doesn't seem to natively support that function. Any ideas on how i can do this, even if it's via Rule Machine? Basically is there a way to loop a dim command until released?

I was able to do this for now. It's slow but it does work. Its paired with a rule that cancels all actions when that button is released.


If you are using the FastPico driver, you want to have the trigger be that the button is pushed. That will greatly speed things up. Otherwise, you are going to be limited by the ammount of time it takes to change the level on the Lifx. It's also all together possible that you will run out of commands before the bulb completely changes. If your light is 50 and you issue a setLevel 60 and then 1s later the bulb hasn't changes levels yet, you are going to issue another setLevel 60. So, that might be contributing to what you see as "slow" changing.

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