Help with error while porting a ST app

Working on porting the vacation light director app following the hints in here:

I seem to have it working if I set times, get the error below when I use sunset

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.hubitat.hub.domain.Location.currentState() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [sunsetTime] on line 521 (installed)

line 521:
result = location.currentState("sunsetTime")?.dateValue

Any suggestions ?
thanks for any help.

I grabbed code from bangali's rooms manager
def sunriseAndSunset = getSunriseAndSunset()
if (!sunriseAndSunset.sunrise || !sunriseAndSunset.sunset) {
ifDebug("Please set location for the hub for rules to be processed.", "error")
return false

Seems to be working