Help with designing my first dashboard

I am trying to create my first HE dashboard after using SharpTools for many years.
In ST I have found that I can no longer see my camera feeds, although this is technically a webview issue and not ST issue, the feeds work perfectly on a HE dashboard I have created.

Some things on my ST dash I would like to include, if possible, but can't work out how to - are:

  1. Show a google calendar feed
  2. Display a custom attribute from a driver, namely distance from home for Owntracks

I hope these are possible, and struggling to work out how to do what I would like.

I am happy to share my existing ST dashboard and what I have so far in HE if this would help :slight_smile:

You can workaround the Chrome Mixed Content limitations (for displaying camera feeds in your SharpTools dashboard) as noted here:


I am not using Owntracks but it the device is holding this attribute then you can add the device to the dashboard and choose the "Attribute" tile to choose the distance attribute:

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This has done the trick, I will stick with ST for now! The method was the solution

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