Help with a rule for a fan

Its been a while since ive done any home automation due to having our first child.

So, as its getting warm i have a fan in her room, and a temp sensor. Have i done this right?

As i dont want the fan on all night as obviously the temperature drops off once were are past 1am

Id just like it to come on if the temperature in her room goes above 30°c and be off if the temperatures is below

As written the fan won't ever turn off since the trigger is the same as the turn on condition. Try the temp being changed as the trigger.

You might consider some condition to on trigger only when someone is in the room. Could have a presence sensor or just a virtual switch controlled by voice or a dashboard.

Hope that helps.

So theres no way of just having the fan operating solely based on temperature?

You don't need the IF conditional - it's the exact same as your trigger. Keep the trigger, and have Fan = On as the only action.

Create a second rule to turn the fan off, or use a "Wait for" to do it in this rule.


Maybe you're reinventing the wheel? I did what you're doing, but controlled a floor heater in my office - but the task is still the same... I struggled to get a rule to work perfectly...
then I implemented this:

I now connected my floor heater and my window AC and viola. PERFECT. My HD+ tiles are flawless - the app runs really nice. I will admit I tweaked it to take the safety feature down a notch but - then with this:

You can do the "mode" portion smoothly. Here's my thermo tile running this very second in my office hd+ display (and a couple other tiles I'm using):

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Ive gone for this option, but will have a look at @jshimota post when i have a bit more time.

Thanks guys, fingers crossed this will work just fine for now

I'd consider a wider temperature window for the on/off... What you have now could be totally fine, but in rules like this, I find using a window helps prevent the rule from cycling bac-&-forth too much. Again, that may not be necessary in your particular case here, but food for thought.