Help understanding HSM

I have just migrated to a C8 from a VeraPlus. Everything went fairly smooth and I have everything functioning the same or better than it was. Part of that was setting up presence detection, home and away modes and having sensors and other items alert based on those modes, i.e. If away change the thermostat to away mode, change blue iris to away mode for additional recording and notifications, if motion is detected send an alert, etc. Is that basically what HSM does or are their other benefits I'm not grasping?

HSM (Hubitat Safety Monitor) is more for setting security based things. Smoke/co , water leak etc... Understand though is the smaller apps like this are simply subsets of Rule Machine. You can do everything and more there. For modes you can use mode manager. etc. Also be aware that Hubitat IS NOT a security product. For my personal use I simply use it as a <if one of these water sensors are activated, turn off the main water valve> and <if these smoke/co detectors go off turn off furnace/ac> and <if battery drops below 20% send text that battery should be replaced soon>

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