Help! Stop automatic deletion of backups!

I am in the middle of of a C8 problem. I don't want the C8 to automatically delete my oldest backups until I sort this out.

  1. How can I stop automatic deletion of my oldest backups on my Android until I sort this out?

  2. If I open Hubitat on my PC will it instantly zap my older backups stored on that device to sync with my Android or is that a separate collection of local backups?


The hub doesn’t normally control anything on your PC unless you have specifically created a script on your PC to do so. The local/cloud backups on the hub may be removed from the hub/cloud, but it doesn’t affect those stored elsewhere.

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It holds the last 6 local and last 5 cloud backups. The oldest gets bumped during backup...If you want to keep older, you can manually download them to your pc

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There are up to 5 backups saved locally, on your hub, and in the cloud for Hub Protect subscribers. The newest replaces the oldest. There are unlimited backups that can be saved on a personal storage that Hubitat has no control over, like @thebearmay said.

Download all the local backups to a PC, then you will have them for safe keeping. You can download them from the normal UI or the diagnostic tool. Thats is the first thing I tell people to do when something really goes sideways.

You can't

What? The local backups are saved on the hub, there is no syncing with anything. Do you have them downloaded to your phone or PC?


These backups don't take up that much room, do they? How about making the number kept greater, or selectable?

A "backup" kept on the device itself isn't really a backup. If the hub dies, what good does it do? Download what you want to another location.


If you want to retain the backups yourself you could use a NAS or Pi with a script to perform a backup and download the backup from the Hub nightly. I use Unraid for example. I keep backups on that for months, sometimes years as they are fairly small.

You can use this to create your backup

wget --content-disposition -P /mnt/user/Backups/Hubitat-Prod http://192.168.x.x/hub/backupDB?fileName=latest

Just update the IP with the IP for your hub. Then update the first value of /mnt/user/Backups/Hubitat-Prod to a local storage location to retain the files.

Thank you for all of the thoughtful replies!
I am set on this.