Help setting led light strip to 6500k [SOLVED]

I just answered you in another thread, but the flex strip zigbee controllers seem to work fine for me.

Granted. I have had a terrible experience with Lightify bulbs in the past like many.

But not with the flex strips.


$100+ also

That sounds hopeful. I have a single GE Link bulb that is a repeater, but it's In and Out numbers are very bad, so it is not repeating right now. I've got 5 Iris Plugs that are my primary repeaters. Working great for my thirty or so motion and contact sensors.

(I will be removing that one bulb soon)

I tried to cancel my order, but I don't think it did. I do have a use for the strips, I ordered 3 of them.

I received the three strips I ordered, and paired them up. So far so good. They appear as repeaters in my zigbee routing table, but their location is far from my hub, and their costs are very high (7) so nothing is routing through them for now.

The quality of these is very high, I should have bought more than three. The price jumped to $23 each now.