HELP! only zigbee hub is in my echo show 10 & but i have sengled lights

ok so i think i pulled a dumb blonde, in order 2 use each bulb individually (i have 3 in ceiling fan, do i have 2 pair each 1 @ time? (not screw all in, but rather 1...find, connect & reapet?) if so looks like ill b resetting again?

Not sure what you're asking. Some of your sentence structure isn't making sense to me. (No offense)

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You need to pair each bulb if thats what you are asking.. you don't have to reset the one you already added, just add/reset the other ones. To control all of them at once in
a fixture use the built-in groups and scenes app.

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my bad, i get alot & no my skins so thick u can call me out my name( b****) & wont take offence but what i was moaning about is.... AFTER waiting 4 desk lamp 2arrive & "factory reset" zigbee bulbs, i pulled a dumdum move stuck all 3 in ceiling fan,paired hubitat & really just did 1 indivial & 2 "followers". so i should reset AGAIN & do seperate if i want individual control of my 3 lights

sorry 4 my lingo, i CAN B proper im just lazy (lmfao) i gotta lot 2 say & even tho im paraplegic i have nerve damage 2 hands hence my SMART HOME but sucks, voice dont do good if crying like baby from pain is there way 2 bandaid that?

u sound like u know wattcha talking bout, I was supposed 2 have a prof help (diabled living tech was his specialtity) when i dropped my tiny knowledge on him & my future plans 4 house he ran so fast ive been left on own, with help of elderly parents who also need it running smoothly cuz face it IMA PAIN IN THEIR ■■■ (wish i was joking)

It's easier if you use normal sentence structure instead of internet shorthand. It makes it easier to communicate especially with a lot of people on here where English isn't their first language. The short hand makes it a problem to decode.

Sorry, I am educated, just lazy cuz hands don't work well, NEways inorder 2 keep hubitat running in power/internet outage do I need battery backup?
I'm just now feeling better, I had a nasty bug, so I have only connected my zigbee lights 2 hubitat- I did individually-they SEEM 2 work, except sumtimes 1 is on others r off its strange, but I did read sumthing about letting them do Thang b4 automation but I haven't automated nothing am I stupid? Lol

To keep the hub running during a momentary power blip, or longer power outage, yes you would need an uninterruptible power supply (aka a UPS). Keep in mind your other network equipment like router and switch should also be on a UPS, as well as a desktop computer if you use one.

And of course any end devices that are plugged in or hardwired, like your bulbs, won’t work during a power outage. That could create some problems even for battery powered devices, if they normally route messages through the mains powered repeating devices in a zigbee/z-wave mesh.

If your internet is out for some reason other than you’ve lost power, then the UPS would not come into play. Hubitat will continue working through an internet outage, but any cloud-based features or integrations will not work until internet service is restored.

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