Help on synchronized methods

I am trying to create a "synchronised method" that is only ever called by one thread at a time.

Firstly I should say I am a groovy nooby, so please bear with me! I have written a thermostat driver that communicates through telnet. The driver contains 9 methods that get or set the thermostat parameters but those methods all call the same function to actually send the commands through telnet. Each command must complete or timeout before the next one begins. Below is my telnet communication function that needs to run as a single instance, however it doesn't! If I fire of multiple get/set parameter methods then I see mulitple instances of the "samComms" function running concurrently. I should add that I tried importing "groovy.transform.Synchronized" but that threw an error in the hub.

Can anyone help me get this working ?

def synchronized Boolean samComms(command, verify, parameter) {
	if (debugLogEnable) log.debug "samComms(): Called"
	for(int retries = 0; retries<3; retries++){ // Send command a max of 3 times
		if (debugLogEnable) log.debug "samComms: top of retry while, just before sendHubCommand command = $command"
		sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(command, hubitat.device.Protocol.TELNET))
		sendEvent(name: "parseComms", value: command, descriptionText: "samComms")
		pauseExecution(1800) // Wait for reply, most commands execute with 1.5 secs
		for(int timeout = 0; timeout<7; timeout++){ //Max timeout is 6 seconds, so check response from parse every second
			response = device.currentValue("parseComms", true)
			if ( response != command ) {
				if("$verify"(response,parameter)) return true // Got a valid response
				else break
		// Only get here if did not receive a valid response
		log.warn "samComms: About to retry command, $command response from SAM was $response" 
	log.error "samComms: Command returned an error or timed out"
	sendEvent(name: "parseComms", value: "ERROR", descriptionText: "samComms returned $response")
	return false

Moved your post to "Developers; Coding questions" so you can get the right eyes on it.

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This of any help?

Just tried that, with the following qualifier on my method:

def @Synchronized Boolean samComms(command, verify, parameter) {

But I get the following error:

unable to resolve class Synchronized , unable to find class for annotation @ line 550, column 5.

Suspect that is because I cant import groovy.transform.Synchronized?