New user here. I have two C-7s, prod and dev. Prod is no longer showing Network Setup on the settings page. Can't tell you when because I've only been working on dev lately. So where did it go? What did I do? I need to assign it a fixed ip, plus, this just isn't right, it should be there, below Hub Login Security
May be a browser issue but http://<Hub IP Address>/hub/networkSetup
should get you there.
The path is there but it returns nothing. If i try it on a browser window, it flashes and takes me to the home page. Looks like something is terribly amiss. I will try a soft reset.
C:\Users\thoma>curl -v
Connected to ( port 80
GET /hub/networkSetup HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/8.4.0
Accept: /
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 14:56:48 GMT
Set-Cookie: HUBSESSION=node01ixlanx9wq0g2tpws1yclttx48.node0; Path=/
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 0
- Connection #0 to host left intact
Have no idea how this may have happened, but I did have some ip conflicts going on and this may been one of them as I was shuffling stuff around on my home network.... OR MAYBE... something to do with these cookies. I will check into that.
Try a network reset: Network Setup | Hubitat Documentation
Ok, deleting all browser cookies from the ips in question didn't work, but when I go to push the reset button, i see now that my prod box is a C-4, not a C-7! I bought that one over a year ago and then I just assumed. So now, I do need to start over, and get a new C-7 or 8. Which is a good thing actually, because I made a mess of my prod box doing dev work there. I'm going to mark this solved for now! Thanks!
Can we revive this thread? I am trying to switch my old C-4 to a new ISP/modem and there is no "Network Setup" section on my settings page. Hub is running Modem is a Spitz 4G LTE GL-X750V2. I have another Hubitat in another location and was able to move it over to an identical modem, but that may be a newer hub. "Network Reset" instructions appear to be for newer hubs, and I'm a little worried about just poking my old C-4 with a pen... what will happen if I reset the hub that way?
A network reset, exactly as described in the docs.
It resets the network settings back to DHCP.
I stand corrected I guess the C4 is DHCP only with no reset button.
As indicated in the docs, Network Setup is available only on C-5 and newer. Your model is DHCP only.
So is the physical network reset button. (So, nothing. )
If you can get to the Diagnostic Tool, you can do a soft reset.
Otherwise, if your network is set up for DCHP, I can't think of a reason this shouldn't just work. What have you tried so far to connect to the hub?
I shut down the hub, plugged it into the LAN port on new modem and powered it back up. The modem listed it as a client, but I could not access it over wifi with diagnostic tool. Having no access I eventually pulled enet cable out of the new modem and stuck it back in the old one. Eventually fiddled around enough to get access again on the original wifi network. I'm an idiot when it comes to networking so pardon the goofy questions: maybe it's just the SSID that needs to be changed but I don't see how to do that. If a soft reset is the answer, does that delete any of my db or devices? Or do I need an enet connection to reset the SSID?
If your hub is plugged in via ethernet then the SSID is irrelevant because that is for the Wifi connection.
Whatever router/modem is broadcasting the Wifi signal, you will probably need to plug the hub into that same device, and then make sure your PC or whatever you are using is connected to the same router/modem via Wifi.
If you have a modem, and then a separate router which is doing the Wifi both the hub and your other device need to be connected to the router, you cannot plug the hub into the modem directly as it would be on a separate LAN.
OK... I stumbled on "findmyhub" . So I plugged the hubitat into the new modem, went to "findmyhub", and had to put in the mac address. Then when clicking the connect button it just hung (like before)... so I finally pulled the power to the hub and plugged it back in. I don't like rebooting like that, but it's the only way it seems to work! Looks like I'm back in business. Thanks, all.
You can do a reboot from the UI now, and click advanced then Rebuild if you are worried about database issues from yanking the power. That will clean it up.