Help me with Thermostat settings (Thermostat Scheduler + Rule Machine)

am about to replace my ecobee3 + 6 ecobee sensors with a z-wave thermostat and 8 temperature sensors. I could really use help recreating or approximating my ecobee comfort settings:

Using @bravenel’s Average Temperatures app, I’ve created virtual temperature sensors for Home, Away and Sleep modes that average only the sensors needed for each particular mode.

I need some way to use the temperature from those virtual sensors to configure the z-wave thermostat’s operation. By which I mean, I want the z-wave thermostat to control HVAC equipment based on temperatures read from these virtual temperature sensors.

How do I do that?

Many thanks

I use the average app and a virtual thermostat. you can feed the temp from the output of the average app into the virtual thermostat, and then use the operating state of the virtual thermostat to control your zwave thermostat. if VT is heating set heating setpoint to 50, else set heating setpoint to 90. cooling would be the opposite.

You have to configure the hysteresis of the VT to keep the VT from cycling too often.

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Could you post your rules? That would really help me out!

P.S. And the setup of your virtual thermostat.

Setting the VT temp

VT Hysteresis

Themostat rule

I set safe temps so if the system has an issue my house will not over cool or over heat. You will have to fight the Main thermostat hysteresis if you set the temp too close to your desired temp.

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@napalmcsr Thanks a bunch!

I forgot to put that I control the setpoints of the VT (Thermostat: Becca Room) for setting the desired temperature level using Thermostat scheduler.

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I just made these two RM rules now, and wonder if any of you think they will work as intended?
(First try on RM, so a bit uncertain here...)

The goal is to keep temp between 24-23.5 Celsius during most of the day(modes), but lower it to 22-20 degrees dropping from the above to as low as 20 degrees at night, sleep and away mode. Again at 05:00 it should start to heat up again to normal day temps and be about correct until morning mode kiks inn at 0700.

Does it look OK, and will they keep monitoring the temps 24/7?

Thanks for any review/tip.
Here are the rules:

Kind regards
Oslo, Norway

ok, I'd combine the heater switch control rules into one rule so they do not conflict, but do you want it to change at 5AM if you are away?


temperature changed
mode changed
time is 5AM


if mode is night, away, sleep
    	if time between 5AM and 9AM
    		localVarHiSetpoint = 24
    		localVarLoSetpoint = 23.5
    		localVarHiSetpoint = 20
    		localVarLoSetpoint = 20
    	end if
	localVarHiSetpoint = 24
	localVarLoSetpoint = 23.5
end if

    if temp>=localVarHiSetpoint then
    	Heater on
    else if temp<=localVarLoSetpoint then
    	Heater Off
    end if

It might be cleaner and better to use 2 rules, one for the heater switch control that gets its setpoint from global vars and one rule to set the global vars

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Thanks so much!
I will try this one, casue the once I made, do not work... No action at all, so will try your suggestion!

Hi again.

Not very streight forward to get the above rules into RM 4.0, but I did make it work: Here is what I ended up with, and it actually seems woring ok. No heater or thermostat devices, but with Xiaomi Aqara temp/humid sensor and the IKEA Outlet.

I cant remove the empty OR statment withoug deleting and recreating the whole rule. This seems to be a bug, since it does not show up in the delete list. It happens when you create a temperature condition based trigger, but forget to choose the temp sensor. Just a tip for @support_team so they can look into it.


Hope it helps other users, if they try the same.
The idea is to lower temp during the night, but still have it warm when we get up, normally between 5 am and 7 am in the morning. Wife around 7, me a bit earlier... :wink:

I'm supposed you rule isn't always set to 23.5 and 24

You are so correct. I tuned a bit and this one do as intended. Thank's for pointing me in the right direction!

Roger That