Need help solving a problem I encountered. I am working on a rule that, regardless of the status of the 3 lamps on the back of the house (can both be on or off) should light these with a bright white light (2 lamps with level 100, one lamp with level 50). When 3 minutes have elapsed, they should return to the previous status. In addition, a lamp in the bedroom (regardless of status) should be dimmed for 30 seconds before returning to the previous status. The problem I encountered is that it does not seem possible to use 2 capture and restore. When I try to enter the second restore, it automatically becomes Bedroom 2.
I hope someone can help me with a solution.
There is only one "bank" for capturing and restoring states. Since your capture actions are right next to each other, why not capture (and restore) them both in the same action?
Note also that capture and restore will only capture the "off" part of a bulb's state if it is off at the moment of capture. Restoring will, correctly, turn it off. However, if you change color in the meantime (as it appears you're doing), then if you later turn the bulb on (manually or via some other automation), it will, as usual (unless your bulb does something unusual or you use a "Set Color Temperature" or similar action to get it back where you want) turn on to its last settings--which could be the color you used in this rule. In other words, the "Capture" doesn't capture those settings if the bulb was off, probably due to the fact that not all bulb support "staging" this information, i.e., setting color or CT without turning the bulb on. I've written a few posts on this subject, including workarounds, if this is a problem for you...I can probably find one.
Thanks for your answer, catching all the lights at once is of course the right thing to do. Unfortunately I am not very good at English (this is written using Google translate ), but if I understand you correctly, the possible problem that you describe in the second paragraph is most easily avoided by never just putting on a lamp but always putting on one lamp with indication of hue, saturation and level or color temperature?
I realize when I make changes to the rule that it was probably not as easy as I thought after reading your answer. The bedroom lamp should restore after 30 seconds and backside after 3 minutes. If there is only one bank for this, I guess it is not possible to restore with different delays?
Oh, right, I didn't see that one of the "Restore" actions was delayed. That might actually work, but I'm not sure. I do know that any "Capture" overwrites everything already there (there is only one "bank" where captures are stored), but simply combining those two actions should fix that.