Help me re-register my c7 hub

I have really messed this one up. I have 2 houses, each with a c7 hub. Both hubs were registered under my email address. This has caused me problems with Alexa. My devices were all mixed together and Alexa was having problems with the names. I thought I would setup a new email address and a new hubitat account and then everything would be separate. I'm down to the part where both hubs are still under my first email account. How can I change the email on my hub? It looks like I need to change who it is registered to? In the details of the hub I can see my email address is the admin. So somehow I need to change who the admin is.

Tagging @bobbyD


Check this post to learn how to change the admin account, then reboot the hub to update the new registration (admin) account.

I had already tried that without success but I will go and try it again just in case I did something wrong the first couple of times that I tried it.

All I get is “user not found”

I can sign in with this user name.

OK I did it different this time. I added the new email as a user on the screen and then turned around and added him as the admin and it seemed to have worked. Thanks very much. I was apparently leaving out one part of it.

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You ought to delete your publicly visible email above.

Your right. Thanks.

OK that was pretty funny. That time it changed the original hub to my new email. I don’t know what went wrong. I’ll try again. But first I have to get my original hub registered back to my original email.

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Yay it finally worked. Got it done. Thanks so much for your help guys.