Help - Automation Scenarios Poll

Hello guys!

I would like to kindly ask a few minutes of your time to fill this small poll. As a domotics' enthusiast and student working on a domotics use case, I would like to know how frequently the following scenarios appear on your automation rules, OR if you wish to have them.

Thanks in advance for your time!

  • I have automations that involve multiple devices and conditions. For example, Turn on the lights of a room IF motion is detected AND its ambient light is LESS THAN 40 lux.
  • I have automations that require do some action if a device remains in the same state for a period of time. For example, Send a notification when a window has been OPEN for an hour.
  • I have automations that require to react to the absence of events. For example, Turn off the lights of a room after two minutes WITHOUT detecting any movement.
  • I have automations that require to detect a particular sequence of events. For example, Detect when I arrive home is determined by the following sequence of events FrontDoorMotion_ON -> FrontDoor_OPEN -> EntranceHallMotion_ON.
  • I have automations that require ignore some repeated events within a period of time. For example, Send a notification when someone presses the doorbell, but do not fire a new notification after every doorbell press. Each notification must have an interval of at least 30 seconds.
  • I have automations that require wait for a particular number of events before doing some action. For example, Send a notification if the boiler fires three Floor Heating Failures and one Internal Failure within one hour. Each notification must have an interval of at least 60 minutes.
  • I have automations that their conditions are based on specific historical data of a device or multiple devices. For example, Send a notification if the electricity consumption at home is higher than 200 kWh in the last three weeks.

0 voters


  • This poll has no intention to spam this community.
  • I'm also open to hearing other scenarios where you have to use different patterns.

Your poll should probably include an 8th option that says, "I do not have, or would not like to have, any of these kind of automations."

Hi @dewhite04

Indeed, should an 8th option for that users that doe not automations related to the scenarios of the poll. However, a poll can not be edited after a couple of minutes of published.

The poll is about patterns or scenarios, not about the examples, their are just a use case.

Anyway thanks for your time and feedback :+1:
