Help! All of my Zwave Devices Don't Work!

OUCH! That'll teach you to wait for support! (I say that knowing full well that I would have done the EXACT same thing in that situation and would have been kicking myself as bad as you did.) Well, hopefully it saves @jtmpush18 from the same fate.


On a side note, when pairing these zwave locks (before getting the aeotec range extender 6's) I found that I had a very larger chance of getting a successful pairing with these locks if I performed that power cycle directly before trying to pair each lock. Never had any problems with other devices, but almost seemed it was necessary for my environment for the locks.

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I had some what the same issue 3 months ago when I first started with around 40 Z-Waves devices, I just moved over from ST.
Support looked at my Logs and details of my setup, and told me some of my LAN devices my be causing my Z-Wave radio to shut down, mainly my Lifx bulbs. After removing my Lifx bulbs, I never had that issues again.

Not sure if you have my be having issues like I had or not?

(P.S. Know anybody wanting to buy any Lifx bulbs real cheap. :wink: )

I would like to thank Wayne Springer for saving my ...
I too equated "reboot" with "shutdown", and I really don't think that there should be a difference.
Nonetheless, following @waynespringer79 prescription has restored my zwave devices!
Thank you again!
P.S. I noticed that one of my automations wasn't working, so I looked and found a zwave device (the first one I checked) wasn't responding. So I tried and tried and tried to exclude and add it. Sometime later, I checked my zwave devices page, and lo and behold - nothing on it! Perhaps the best advice I got was from @april.brandt who told me to "take a deep breath"!


I would assume the hub doesn't completely drain all residual power needed to reset the radio during a reboot, and only removing the power cord (which needs to be shutdown first) for a brief period accomplishes this.

My ISP providers power supply is similar, the led on top stays remain lit for about 5 seconds after unplugging.


Good call @waynespringer79.


Sounds a bit like Microsoft’s Win10 operations, “Shut down” and “Restart” !
Only “Restart” flushes cached files etc.
“Shutdown” just puts the computer into a hibernation type state. Retaining data to boot up more quickly.
It’s caught me out a few times.

You should mark his answer as the solution in case someone else searches this issue. Your topic is very clear and will probably help others. I'm thankful you got it working again.


This saved me too. Phew.