Ran across this little device the other day. I'm always looking out for some pool automation that won't cost me thousands to implement.
I contacted them to ask if they have an open API. They said not at this time. I told them that the Hubitat community is always looking for pool automation and integration and this would fill that gap.
Pump control, heater control, reporting etc... its got the basics I've been wanting.
Yup. I expressed this to them. I don't think its a priority though. I don't see why not.
But I also don't want something cloud dependent. Since they are small, I wouldn't want to drop that amount of money and then they go out of business and the device is useless.
I personally don't care if they take my data, but make the communication all local and add something that copy's it up if they really want.
If they do implement this though it will be a no brainer for me.
Its a mess... I have an outdoor pool and its been a pain to get any sort of easy monitoring/control. Any solution will depend on your setup.
My pump was the first thing I did. Its a single stage pump and I just added an ZWave GE outdoor switch to it. Its a simple on and off. If you have a dual stage pump it may get more complicated as I don't know how those work with their controls.
Heater automation is a little trickier and I didn't want to get into it as it could be dangerous. Mine runs on a millivolt system. Basically gets its power from the pilot light. But there are a lot of things you have to consider when doing it. I didn't want to rely on a HA system that could fail and cause a problem. For example what if the command to turn off the pump was recieved but the command to turn off the heater didn't make it. In this case the heater would still be running without the pump and who knows what can happen at that point. The internal safety should kick in but I don't want to worry about that. So for now I just turn it off and on manually.
Getting pool temperature readings from my pool was a pain. I ended up using a Fibaro FGK 101 (which is no longer made) and an external temperature probe to do it sitting in my skimmer. But if this thing ever breaks I'm done for. All that being said, if you have power close to the pool or ways of running the line nicely to the pool then their are other options for doing this and you can roll your own. I don't and wanted a wireless solution.
The HeaterReader looks like a nice all in one solution that makes it all so much easier. Probe their support about the API and wanting to integrate it with Hubitat. The more interest they get the more they may take it seriously.
If they have an app, their more than likely is an api it uses to communicate. It probably can be reverse engineered but I want something thats supported.
Not sure if this helps anyone. I have my pool pump, heater and lighting all automated pretty simply...We always leave the heater set to 90 degrees so that makes it easier also, the smart plug just turns the heater on and off.