HE Features and Requests for 2023?

Things that are close to my setup would include:

  • Weather - Look at developing built-In integrations for local weather stations and sensors, such as EcoWitt and others that offer local comm's
  • Lighting - Supporting Philips Hue push notifications in the built-in integration, like in Coco-Hue and Advanced Hue Bridge Integration
  • Energy - Start to expand into the energy space, interfacing with services / systems such as Solar and other energy monitoring systems. Of particular interest to me is Solar Edge. Admittedly a cloud service....
  • Home Automation Platforms - Develop a built-In integration with Home Assistant, building on the success of integrating with Apple Homekit

Obviously I would also like the UI enhancements many have requested as well, including expanding the capabilities of HE dashboards..... Just still allow CSS and other tweaks that we have so carefully crafted :wink:

If you want to develop a Mitsubishi Thermostat integration, that would also be good, :wink:


Charge more so you can do more.

  • Improve platform resilience - no more database corruption
  • Improve existing integrations - some were released at a minimum level and have been surpassed by community drivers. Best example is Hue
  • Adopt community integrations into official status or Sherlock them
  • Control UI improvements



I would like the "Set variable from HTTP GET response" populate the variable with the returned HTTP.


Fix some of the UI issues with filters in logs...

  • UI jumping around when selecting apps or devices... Keep me in the same spot in the drop down list as I make app & device selections, and don't let the drop-down jump around the screen as the text length changes
  • Can't select an app or device as a filter and then click Show more to show additional log entries
    -- image
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Some native MQTT integration/app...

I'd like to be able to map a virtual motion sensor, contact, switch created in Hubitat to an MQTT topic to bring external devices in. I'm currently doing this with the only community MQTT app I can find, but it's in beta and was broken some time ago following a platform update. Most MQTT apps seem to be designed to publish Hubitat devices events for use elsewhere but I want the opposite. I think my only option at the moment is Node-Red but despite reading several threads I remain confused as to what I need for that (I can easily put Node-red on my Pi but what do I need to add in Hubitat?)

  1. Create Hubitat virtual devices with the capabilities/attributes that your real device has - going to assume you have already brought your real device into Node-RED.
  2. Install the node-red-contrib-hubitat palette and configure it.
  3. Expose your Hubitat virtual devices to node-red.
  4. Update the values for the capabilities/attributes in your virtual devices using input from your real devices in Node-RED.
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Do I need to install just this on the Pi? or do I need to also install Node-Red. Thanks

Edit: Ignore - Just read in the linked page that Node-Red is a requirement also

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I do this for a bunch of 433MHz water sensors that I have.

The MQTT Node is set to listen on the topic you enter:

The Red Nodes are HE Command Nodes that change the value of virtual Water Sensors in Hubitat.

I also use this same method to use a Sonoff RF 8-button remote.

I have a Tasmotized Sonoff RF Bridge that publishes the devices' unique ID# to an MQTT topic.

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Totally flummoxed by Node-Red. I've:

  • Installed Node-Red (and I'm logged in etc)
  • Installed the Hubitat Palette
  • Added a Maker API Instance
  • Configured the palette with the Hubitat app ID, maker API token
  • Added a virtual device

My brain is about to pop, it's hardly intuitive. All I want to do is link an MQTT topic to a virtual device but I'm getting nowhere...

I'll renew my request for MQTT on Hubitat (it's gotta be less hassle than Homekit to add!)

ssl on telnet..


I briefly had it working for a single device, but I had the full path mapped in the topic. That means if I continue that way it'll be a complete mess as I'll have to create multiple instances of the MQTT link (as opposed to having one link and everything going through one Switch.

Could you possibly screenshot the config of your switch in that flow? I realise that the topic path will be completely different to mine. I'm just struggling to work out how much of the topic path to enter in 'Property' and what to use as the comparison beneath it.

Zigbee Inbound Group messaging ( needed to bring IKEA, Lidl, Tuya, etc.. remote dimmers into HE).


I have a Tasmotized Sonoff RF Bridge that publishes the device ID for anything that it "hears" to the topic of RFBridge/rfDevices. My MQTT Node setup:

The Switch Node:

There is no reason you can't have one link and one Switch. It if gets out of line, you can use Link Nodes. I have one node listening to my Alexas and use that method to keep the flows "clean".

You haven't said what kind of devices you have that are sending MQTT messages but mine are simply sending their ID; not status of off; on; LWT; etc.

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Thanks @stephen_nutt I'll try that. I've just posted in the Node-Red section of this forum. It might make more sense as I've explained it there.


Probably an easy one. Better dashboard editing. Able to rearrange tiles with drag and drop like smartly that quit working.

One other thing I miss from ST is the ability to turn a device on for a set amount of time as a one time deal.


That's a ST "new app" feature that I never used ... and I still can't think of a circumstance where that makes sense to me in anything I personally do on a day-to-day basis.

I can think back to my time on ST, where I used it mostly as a remote control and not an automation platform. I don't use an app or a dashboard with my day-to-day interaction with my smart home anymore. I automate it instead.

E.g., I enter a room; the lights go on. I leave the room; 2 minutes later the lights go out. I open a door; the lights go on. I close the door; the lights go out.

I could be remembering wrong, but I think this started working again? @danabw probably knows.


Yes, it is working for me again - as of 2.3.4.something changed and I have found Smartley to work as it did before. However, a few reported still having issues. Not sure why...


I dont think it every worked right in non-local dashboard mode.