He Devices in Hue

I've got an established HE setup and have just started moving my lights into Philips Hue via the CocoHue integration and Hue bridge. All has gone well and many of my switches and plugs were compatible and 90% of my devices have moved over.

I do however have some devices, for example Sonoff ZB mini Extremes that don't want to connect to Hue.

I was wondering if there was a way of keeping these devices in my HE network and somehow representing these devices in my Hue so they can all be controlled via the Hue app (much appreciated by my family)

Not possible. However, if your family uses iPhones, they can all show up in the Apple Home app. I'm sure there's an Android equivalent.


@user4286 Honestly I would leave all non bulb devices directly on hubitat and only put bulbs on Hue.

I'm not going to disagree, but the result of this is that some lights then do not appear in the Hue App.

I control them all via Room Lighting regardless of if they come into HE directly or via the Hue integration so nothing lost there. But for completeness and from my wife's perspective who likes more hands on control (through the app) it would be a more complete way to have everything there to achieve this.

Makes sense, the Hue outlets strengthen the hue zigbee mesh, and without them, some of your Hue lights don't stay online. I would leave everything that is Hue on the Hue hub, and use a Hubitat/Hue integration to bring them into Hubitat.

If you're referring to your Sonoff ZB Minis, this isn't possible because Hue cannot import Hubitat devices.

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