Having trouble changing Admin email address on C7

Directions from here:
Replace Admin from my.hubitat.com - :newspaper: News and Updates / Announcements - Hubitat

Having trouble changing Admin email address on C7.
Goto my.hubitat and created new email account.
Can sign in and log out of new account, no hubs registered.
Go to my.hubitat and sign out of new account.
Go to my.hubitat and sing in with old email address.
Go to registered hub (see photo). Click on Hub Details.
Go to “Replace existing Admin with different Hubitat user:
Enter new email user. Click OK
Error message “User not found” see attached photo.

Does the new email address contain any special characters? I think there is a issue with that....

Yes. firstname.lastname@outlook.com

would that do it?

Is the capitalization the same? I'm not sure if this is still an issue, but case sensitivity used to be a problem.

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Note: Cox email is no more. They have notified us they are out of the email business.

All lower case. thanks

I just checked one of our family C7 hubs already has a namefirst.namelast@cox.net and works.
While Hubitat is failing namefirst.namelast@outlook.com ?

Continuing the discussion from About the Ask Anything category:

Goto my.hubitat and created new email account using namefirst.namelast@outlook.com

Can sign in and log out of new account, no hubs registered.

Go to my.hubitat and sign out of new account.

Go to my.hubitat and sing in with old email address.

Go to registered hub (see photo). Click on Hub Details.

Go to “Replace existing Admin with different Hubitat user:

Enter new email user. Click OK

Error message “User not found” see attached photo.

Note: have 4 Hubitat hubs in our family homes, all in separate addresses.

One existing uses namefirst.namelast@cox.net and will be changed to namefirst.namelast@outlook.com and planned to be changed to new email address last.

So don’t think the “.” Between firstlastname should be the issue?

Cox has stopped supporting email so changing over to outlook.com on the 4 hubs (two of the four use namefirst.namelastr@outlook.com in their daily emails and plan to use them on Hubitat.

FYI, I just posted in the Hubitat support area for help. thank you, guys, for your advice.

It is better to keep a single issue in a single thread. So I moved your new post to this existing thread.

Works for me. Don't post a lot so kinda a Nob at where to post as yet. thanks for the help.

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It sounds like you've done everything right. It may take up to 24 hours for the new account to be updated across all systems. If the problem persists tomorrow, please create a support case by visiting the following page and we will further investigate:


Thanks will do!

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