Have the Logs changed or am I crazy?

My Logs are behaving oddly and currently aren't very helpful in attempting to diagnose an issue. Have I changed a setting that I shouldn't have or has there been some other change to the way the logs report out that I missed? Or have I just been staring at my screen too long?

Here is what I'm experiencing. If I hover over an item in the left most column text appears which seems like the usual text that the logs would show. For example, if I hover over the left most item of a random line - where that left most item is "app:2878" the info text when hovering says "Show Logs for app Office Motion Light only".

When I open a new tab by right clicking on "app:2878" a new completely blank Live Logs tab opens.

If I hover over the item (Info, Debug, etc.) for that same line item the info text says "Show details for app Office Motion Light" and when I right click on "Info" a new completely blank Live Logs tab opens.

In both cases, this is what the new tab opens to.

Can someone fill me on on what I missed or just confirm I'm crazy?

You’re opening a new live log tab, of course it will be empty.

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That would confirm I'm crazy.
But it is what I would typically do.
Right click on the blue "app:2878" and select Open link in new tab. Right click on "Info" and select Open link in new tab.
I swear this used to open new tabs with highly relevant information. But it could be my crazy showing I guess.

If you do this, it's going to open a new "Live Logs" tab/window, as @csteele mentioned, and so it will be blank (until entries start coming in) β€” and I don't believe that filter will carry over to the new tab. So, this is unlikely to be helpful unless done with the only purpose it's ever had: filtering the current list of entries to just ones from that app/device. I don't recall this working differently in previous firmware versions, but it's possible I just never tried. Never tried in the current firmware until now, either. :slight_smile:

This one you don't need to right-click on or explicitly open in a new tab/window -- it will do that on its own with a regular click. I think this has also always worked like this, but I don't know if it's always just re-opened Logs if you tried yourself via right-clicking. Could also be something I never tried or stopped trying for this reason long enough ago to not remember...

The logs did get better filtering and other display changes a few platform versions ago, so it's possible some of this was different in the past, though I don't recall different behavior for either off-hand.


Yeah... I dunno what I was thinking. I guess the info text threw me maybe. But yes normally clicking (left clicking) on either the app or info items does display the information that I was looking for. I'm sticking with crazy. Thanks for helping me clarify that!!! :crazy_face:

OK, for fun, I downgraded my test hub to 2.3.2 (the logs pages were revamped in 2.3.3), and right-clicking the log level (info, etc.) and doing an "Open in new tab" does open the device detail page in a new tab, same as clicking it normally. But I guess I never tried on old or new since it does that with a regular click too.

But now we know it did change. :slight_smile:

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I need to hook my C-5 back up so I can check my crazy myself. lol

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