Has Warranty support ghosted?

I have had a problem where it turns out all ZWave devices lost the ability to asynchronously communicate to the hub - all lost the ability at the same time. Not very likely it's a device failure. Even tried fixing the network, etc.

I put in a ticket to tech support a couple of weeks ago (I am on the Warranty plan) - I suspect a problem with the ZWave receiver. And no answer. Nothing. I know it was a holiday weekend, but anybody have an idea how long it takes to get an answer? I know it seems like forever when the entire automation system is down, but isn't almost two weeks enough for at least an acknowledgement?

Or has Tech Support just vanished and the warranty is unsupported?

ps: earlier request was answered with a nonsensical answer, now theyre just gone.

They recently had some email failures related to over aggressive spam filters. You could have been in that group... tagging @support_team


Nope, we are all here.

Yes, not more than 3 days.

If you don't hear back within a few days, it likely means that we didn't get your email (or you didn't get ours). Coming here or submitting another case is probably the best course of action.

If you send me a private message along with your hub id, I'd be glad to further assist you.


Quick update: I checked your cases and looks like we have responded that your hub is performing as expected, and that the problem reported isn't related to the hub's hardware, but rather with the Z-Wave mesh (or mix of devices used within the mesh).

The case has been subsequently closed, but if you have new symptoms, you may create another case, so that we can reassess your hub. However, based on your previous inquiries, it is likely that the same mesh problems persist.

If you need help troubleshooting problems with Z-Wave devices, you may want to provide additional details, here in the community, as you have done in the past. Sharing the make and models of your devices as well as screenshots of the Z-Wave Details page can be very helpful. Also, if you didn't do so already, check out these documents for tips on troubleshooting apps and devices:


Excuse me, but this case shouldn't be closed until I receive a satisfactory response. The ZWave mesh shows no problems - the mesh repair runs fine. And I'm STILL looking for a satisfactory explanation for why EVERYTHING quit at once. The response from the Community was - looks like you've got a warranty problem did you contact tect support? Instead I get Tech Support telling me that everything has been running fine - no automation devices are failing or reporting a failure - and that the mesh that was working and reporting fine suddenly crashed! If it's any of the devices, why are there no device errors or failures? If it's the mesh, why does it report fine? Why does everything else seem operational YET the HUB cannot hear any ZWave devices??

Did you look up the definition of "Res Ipsa Loquitor"? The thing speaks for itself. The only reasonable debug option is to look to the HUB.

If you fail to respond LOGICALLY as to why this is not true - I'll just assume (and let everyone else know) that you're simply denying Warranty Support.

BTW - don't tell me the logs on the HUB show no error - if the radio failed/is failing in a way that it simply doesn't hear anything then the Hub would have no way of knowing there is a problem and hence there would be NO LOG. The ABSENCE of a log entry does not ever imply NO FAILURE. In fact, the ABSENCE of a log entry may itself be the evidence that the HUB has an internal failure. The only way to check it - swap hubs.


ps: Not a happy customer because your tech support process DOES NOT COMMUNICATE WELL and PONTIFICATES rather than SUPPORTS.

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The case was closed because it didn't meet the warranty replacement criteria at the time of initial review. As previously mentioned, if you feel like the hub continues to have problems, or if you have new symptoms, you could always create a new case. The problem is not swapping the hubs, that would be an easy solution. In fact we have no problem replacing the hub. The real problem is that a replacement is unlikely to resolve the problem you are having. If you provide the additional details as requested above, I think that you could resolve the problems tonight, instead of waiting for a replacement. Let me know if you'd like to rather get a new hub instead of actually fixing the problem.


Without addressing the rest of your post/symptoms, just be aware that a mesh repair running without throwing an error should not be interpreted to indicate that the mesh is “solid” or “robust”.


While that is true, it also means that the radio is functional, or else all nodes would fail.

Intermittent radio failure would be a first, but Intermittent freezing mesh is common when one or more devices within the mesh are misbehaving.


Agreed 100%.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that just because mesh repair works, don't interpret that to mean that the mesh is solid. The hub's radio is clearly fine, but it doesn't mean that devices are communicating with the hub well, or routing packets to/from the hub.


My guess is that's more of a permanent problem. :wink:


That’s not what Hubitat Support said, or can even assess. All they can assess is whether the hub is functioning within accepted parameters.

Assessing the functionality of your devices and automations would require the kind of detail @bobbyD requested in his response to you.

If there is a wonky zwave device that occasionally brings your mesh down, it won’t show up in an assessment of the hub. But there will be clues left in the zwave details page, which btw, only you have access to.


Thats kind of the point - the original data showed NO zwave devices were transmitting to the hub. Despite logging on and multiple manual operations NONE of the device activations were logged at the hub. Most would react when commanded by the hub, either manually or by manually operating the actions for a rule. How does one conclude that thats a mesh problem? The mesh seems operational if commands can be sent, but wouldnt it point to the hub if the hub appears to be only device that isnt listening?

I get the wonky device - still working on that. But that is exactly what tech support said - they saw no error codes therefore the hub is working fine. And then the dissappeared and THAT is why Im not a happy camper. Still working on the wonky device thing - but the tools from Hubitat to manage the mesh are pretty cumbersome and ineffective (IMHO)

Here is a link to an article that might explain what could be happening with your hub:


That’s all the data they can assess from the engineering logs they have access to.

A misbehaving device causing a mesh to fail can only be assessed from data only hub owners have access to - device identity, regular logs, radio logs, Zigbee and zwave settings pages. Hence the request for you to post that type of information.


@jon2 As pointed out the hub is working within parameters. You likely have a problem with the mesh (just because it successfully reports repaired does not mean your mesh is good). You likely have a bad device(s) somewhere. This isn't within the purview of Hubitat to fix. They can only go by what they can see. You yourself will have to figure out what is happening and a lot of us can help you a long the way. Something is interfering with your z-wave mesh.... Start with these things..

Do you have any ghosts?

What power reporting devices do you have?

Do you have any zen-25's?

Do you have any zooz 4-in-1 devices?

Have you looked at your own logs for anomalies.

Have you removed any devices not on the hardware compatibility list just to rule them out?

There is likely more you can look at but I would start with that.


There were no crashes reported, that would have caught the attention of the support staff immediately, and the case would still be open until the root cause would be discovered.


Sorry worded incorrectly. Fixed,


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