Has anyone included a Real Flame fireplace?

We recently purchased a Real Flame electric Fireplace/ room heater. It has one of those small flat remotes like the flameless candles to turn it on, off, adjust the temperature or flame colors. Etc. Has anyone by any chance used one of these and figured out if there's a way to integrate them?

If the remote is IR, a Broadlink remote should be able to control it. If the remote is 433Mhz RF, then an IR & RF Broadlink remote should be able to control it as well as a Bond Hub. In a quick Goolge and looking at one of the fireplace's owner's manuals, I didn't see anything that indicates the type of remote.

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That is what was running around the back of my mind. Is there any way I could tell looking a the remote or fire place itself?

Is there a fcc Id on the remote?

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My money is on that it is an RF remote.

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Does the remote work in other rooms? If so, probably rf. If not, probably ir.


If you fire the remote , while looking at the remote through your cellphone camera, you will see a red light if it's an IR remote.


No, just a diagram on the back how to put the battery in.

There is a purpleish light (guess it could be reddish) when I try that camera trick.

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Sounds like an IR remote. Another way to check would be trying to use it in another room as suggested above. Or pointing it at the fireplace and holding your hand over the emitter.

IR requires line-of-sight to work. RF travels through walls, or your hand.

I'll give that a try when I get home. If it is IR, is that a non-starter? or would I be able to do something with Bond?

Pretty sure it works with both. But it’ll need to be positioned in such a way that it has a line of sight to the IR device you want to control.

Does it have any sort of manual override switch on the fireplace itself? Might be able to tap into that for basic on/off control. I work for a fireplace store, a lot of the electrics we sell have basic manual controls hidden on the front or side somewhere. Used to fix the fireplaces myself (mostly gas and wood), now I just write code and make spreadsheets.

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Ya know, I didn't even notice when i put it together. On a side note, the company that designs and sells these (because it was made in China) is from your neck of the woods in Racine. I was actually pretty impressed. Real actual solid wood for the frame and mantal. Clearly the instructions were written/ drawn in the US, as not a single 4 letter word was uttered during final assembly!!


The Broadlink RM4 remote device should be able to control that. They are cheap and work pretty well.

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Funny I feel like I have heard of Real Flame but never knew they were in Racine, WI. Its not really a direct competitor of ours because our core market is new construction projects sold through dedicated fireplace dealers, they look like they cater more to DIY and remodel stuff. Looks like they have some nice stuff. They are targeting some of the faster growing segments, electrics and outdoor.

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Am I able to do anything with my Mendota, ie: which terminals could I hookup a dry relay to, to control from HE? I already have an RF remote from "Sit" ? name is hard to make out on remote

Remote is probably skytech or Mendotas own. Maybe start a new thread and post a picture of the valve cavity and also the model number. Tag me.

It should be pretty easy to get on/off control just need to see the valve to identify the terminals.

Looks like it’s IR. I reached out to the manufacturer, and they said the remote is 38KHZ ±2%. Based on that, it should be compatible with bond then, correct?

No. Bond Bridge does RF only. Broadlink claims 98% compatibility with IR devices though.

Bond Bridge: https://olibra.zendesk.com/hc/en-us?product=bond-bridge
Broadlink: IR/RF UNIVERSAL REMOTE-Broadlink博联智能

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Correction, Bond Bridge Pro is only RF according to their website comparison. The standard Bond does support IR.