Harmony Hub Integration

@mattw incredible port! After getting through the many options I used your code and got it up and running. The polling is quite off from when you shut down the activity from remote/alexa to HE. If I do a refresh in the device it does update. So I am curious like others if the polling can be significantly reduced.

Great job and hope to hear an answer! This gives me new automation to try in RM now.

In the App, I believe the following section of code sets up the recurring 5 minute poll. Remember, this is polling the Logitech Cloud for the status of the activities, I believe. Just how important is it to have instant feedback that an activity has changed? You don't want to pound on the cloud every few seconds, right?


No but I do need the status to update sooner than 5 min. Do you think every minute is too much?

Give it try at let us know. You'll go from an avg of 2.5 minutes for an update to 30 seconds (on avg). Others (@halfrican.ak) have come up with some novel solutions for more 'instant updates', by adding a smart device to the Harmony Activity. This device needs to be seen by both the Harmony Hub and Hubitat, independently of one another. Then, when the Harmony Activity turns on the shared smart device, Hubitat also sees the transition and you can then update the status of the activity. Seems like just knowing something changed would be enough, so that Hubitat could issue a poll() of the harmony cloud... So many ideas... :wink:

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So I use a WeMo Insight on the TV to help is discovering if there is power BUT it seems to be not 100% reliable for my living room automations. I have about a 80% success rate of my light automations activating. The goal of the Harmony is to ensure I am seeing activity in watching TV and then I can make actions based on that. Hence why 5 minutes is too long.

Here is the topic where @halfrican.ak came up with the Harmony Instant Status update workaround...

Instant Harmony Hub Status Updates!

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will there be a native integration for Harmony Hub ?


Per the Hubitat Team... currently, Logitech is not accepting requests for additional integrations. Therefore, Hubitat really has no way to create an official integration at this time.

There are other discussions ongoing in the community about alternative options and ideas for a completely LAN based integration, which would avoid the need to use Logitech's cloud servers.


OK, I'm going to show my ignorance here, but I can't get the tokens.
I have Harmony (Connect) set up in ST, and I (daily) control Harmony from ST, but when I go into the ide, I don't have a smartapp for Harmony (Connect) - I do see one in the classic app, but I don't know how to get the tokens from there. Anybody got any suggestions?

Locations->"Name of your hub"-->List SmartApps--> under the "Other" section there should be your Logitech Harmony Connect App. Copy the HarmonyAccessToken field.

Edit: just realized you pretty much have the same options outlined in your quote. I dont know how ST operates anymore but I know for a while there was confusion as folks were migrated to the new ST app. All I can say is make sure you are logging in to the correct shard for the ide. There are posts in the ST forum detailing this.

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I just got my Harmony Hub over black Friday and there seems to be a lot of projects going on around it. It's hard to follow.

For right now I'm using a HE virtual switch to turn on my TV using IFTTT HE/Harmony integration. Is there a better (local) way of doing this? It seems like the other option is running this Harmony-API somewhere, but it's unclear if that is working and I don't have a Pi to run it on.

It also looks like there is a ST integration, but I don't have ST hub.

The short answer to your question is no, there's nothing out there for local control at this time.

API....If you're referring to the Alpha thread I started, it's not really ready for general consumption yet. Plus you don't have anything to run it on, so that's out.

The ported ST integration requires an authentication tokens from ST. You can sign up for a ST cloud account and add the Harmony Connect app if you want, no hub required. But still requires a separate account, and still cloud dependent.

IFTTT is probably your best bet at this point.

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Thanks for the reply. The IFTTT is working pretty well so far, although it's cloud and only HE to Harmony. It will be fine for the basic things I want to do with it.

I haven't set this integration up yet, but I presume this virtual switch turns on when any activity is running?

It will create a virtual switch, 1 for each Harmony activity.

I just added a new hub to my set up. I tried logging out as instructed on the page and reconnecting but it won't see my new hub. I've also deleted the app and reinstalled it but no luck. It still only sees my old hub only. Do I have to add it to Smartthings and get new authentication keys?

I have two hubs and i had to add it to the same harmony account. I also added it to smartthings. I can't wait until hubitat has direct integration.

Unfortunately, according to Logitech, they are not accepting applications for new integrations:disappointed_relieved:

It would have to be a local integration using Harmony's state digest broadcasts. HE would also have to connect as a XMPP client, which it doesn't currently have the capability to do. Seems like something that would be low on Hubitat's priority list, if it was on the list at all.

I do understand the want to control lighting, etc. with Harmony for things like Harmony activities. So if we had the ability to trigger an Alexa routine with an HE virtual switch, contact sensor or motion sensor, then we could do this since Alexa can control Harmony activities.

I can also get my head around wanting to start a chain of events from the remote without speaking as well. There is IFTTT, but I haven't played with that, so maybe it's too slow. Another option might be Stringify. Typically very fast, but there's no direct connection between Stringify and HE. However, certain IFTTT channels are very fast, HE being one of them. So one thing you could try is Harmony and IFTTT simultaneously (because that's possible with Stringify), then IFTTT to HE.

I know it's not local. Not sounding like you'll have a choice with Harmony, so best to look at the cloud options.