Hardware specs

With the announcement of the C-8 hub, I was wondering if anyone had tech specs on it (and potentially the C-5 and C-7). Aside from the newer z-wave chip, and now external antenna and built in wireless, does the C-8 offer a faster processor? more memory?

Just curious as I do have a solid z-wave mesh running off my C-5, have my Zigbee running off my C-7 (i know, it should be the other way around, but i'm too lazy to migrate all the z-wave to the C-7), each hub connected through hub mesh so a pretty smooth experience for me and the ability to control all my devices from a single pane.

See thread:


@dadarkgtprince I would move all the z-wave to the C8. Given the power, all my devices now connect straight to the hub (well except for one lock which routes through a repeater). Has improved my mesh drastically. Migration of all your devices would take less than 5 minutes.

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