I'm thinking it's got to be some gobbledy gook on the Zigbee network and these controllers. Sometimes they respond, sometimes they don't.
So if it is a Zigbee network noise issue, the question is, what is causing the problem is it due to the Sylvania LEDVANCE bulbs, or is it the Iris V1 contact sensors.
If it is due to the V1 sensors, A quick order of $80.00 on Ebay gets them replaced with V2 or V3 sensors. However if it is the bulbs it is a MUCH bigger problem.
I wouldn't think battery powered Zigbee end-devices, like the Iris v1 devices, would totally hose up a Zigbee mesh...but I really don't know for sure. Iris v1 mains powered outlets could be an issue, but that is just a hypothesis on my part.
However, many users have reported issues that were resolved once they removed their Sylvania, GE Link, and Cree bulbs from their mesh.
If the Sylvania bulbs are connected to fixtures/lamps that have manual power switches, you could try simply powering them all off as a quick test. The Zigbee network will heal itself, or you could speed it along by gracefully shutting down your hub and pulling its power from the wall (don't unplug the microUSB cable at the hub, and some of those connectors have been know to break with repeated use) for ~15 minutes. Then plug the power supply back into the wall and see how things behave afterwards. As long as you have enough other Zigbee repeater devices, the mesh should be fine. Check to see of the HBFC's are better behaved or not.
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Will have to postpone that testing. Busy house, family needs light.
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Okay turned switches off. About to reboot hub.... That should re-read Zigbee I would think...
Son of a bleach.
Take the bulbs offline, reboot the hub and the hampton bay controllers come back on..
And we are back to not responding... So we have eliminated the Sylvania bulbs as the source of the problem.
The Iris contact sensors are not repeaters so I doubt they are at issue, I would hate to have to pull them as there are a lot of them.
So the more this saga goes on, the more frustrating, and hilarious it becomes.
So I took the Sylvania bulbs out of the equation temporarily, and sure enough, they came back online, for an hour or less. I turned the bulbs back on, and the previously halted controllers started responding again, and then stopped.
If these controllers were people, I wold suspect they were in a car, with closed up windows, with Willie Nelson, Snoop Dogg, and Tommy Chong...
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I believe that you have reached the point where you need a network traffic analyzer to watch what is happening. You have tried all the easy stuff, and are now just shooting in the dark.
I agree.
To be fair, you'd only have to remove the batteries...and I would focus on the ones between the hub and fan.
Also, rather than just rebooting (and someone correct me if I'm wrong...this is coming from my memory of ST), I think you might want to shut down your HE hub and unplug it for 20-30 mins. Then power it up and don't mess with the fans for awhile. This should allow it to rebuild the Zigbee mesh between the repeaters and fans.
My controller did this same thing in my living room for the whole month of December 2020. It's been in use since 2018 with only the very occasional dropout (including Christmas of 2018 & 2019). It was Christmas and wasn't going to worry about it until after the holidays. Took down Christmas decorations, problem healed itself. I am suspecting Christmas tree and lights. The tree was next to the hub. Though, the controller in the bedroom was fine and would visually appear to have a similar path to the hub.
My point is maybe you could try moving the hub? I didn't think of doing this at the time. These controllers are really flakey. If I see the same thing this year, I'm going to bite the bullet and raplace it with an inovelli.
So the hub is mounted, outside of my entertainment console. So under the living room TV, and within a couple of feet of the PS4 and Wii. Yeah we still have, and use a Wii...
I need to keep the hub and its associated wires concealed. The closest ethernet port that is unused is in the structured wiring cabinet in the home office / middle bedroom, in a closet, behind a metal door, with modem, router, switch etc... Lots of electrical noise...
So honestly not sure where I can move the hub to.
Something interesting though. After last night, the controllers seem to have woken back up and are operating normally this morning. Time will tell...
I have more to bring into the network, but I am going to wait a couple of days and see if my Zigbee is stable with these things before I even try... Right now I am at maybe 12 - 14 hours stable. I will probably wait until the weekend to do anything about it and just see if it stays online or gets stupid again.
Mine did that too. It would "wake up" and work for a bit. Then come January, and I'm pretty sure it was after the tree was down, it started working 100% rock solid.
BTW... We have a Wii and my powered subwoofer is an Optimus (the old radio shack brand). We keep stuff forever too.
LOL, I still like my Atari 2600 games, but I use an Atari flashback console for that...
I am wondering if there was maybe something glitchy in a memory register somewhere with the Zigbee mesh that taking everything offline and rebooting caused a resync of Zigbee. Shooting in the dark here...
If it returns, I may power the hub down and leave it off for an hour or so and then bring it back up and test...
FWIW, the controllers are still working. The shutdown/ restart seems to have made them happy.
So my fan controller has worked great for well over a year. No hiccups. Now last week it started giving me fits. I've probably reset it 6 times this weekend.
I am going to take a stab at this just out of typical IT troubleshooting steps.
#1. Did you try turning it off and back on again? All British comedy aside, seriously, did you try powering off the hub, leave it down for a period fo time, say 20 minutes, and then pull the plug from the wall not the nub, and then plug it back in?
#2. Were there any changes in your Zigbee Network such as adding a new device?
#3. DId you update the firmware on the hub?
#4. Did a new WiFi network appear, or an existing network move to a channel that conflicts with Zigbee? Sometimes firmware updates to routers come with channel changes.
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You know I did actually power down the fan controller for a good 30 minutes before I reset it the last time. But I don't think I rebooted the hub.
There was a firmware update on the hub, but I seem to recall that being a week or two before my issue popped up. (Just noticed, it was on 4/18) That was also my last reboot.
No other smarthome/wifi changes.
I think it's offline now, I'll reboot the hub and see.
On mine, the reboot / Zigbee refresh took some time. I mean it came up, but the Zigbee changes were not noticeable for at least 2 hours afterwards.
I am not familiar enough with the HE hub to know if it is possible, but if it is possible, maybe rolling back the firmware revision to a last known good configuration might help?
For what it's worth. I have 3 Hampton Bay fan controllers and a Homelife working fine. They were awful at first. Someone on here recommended having a mains powered repeater (not bulb) in every room with a fan. I added a wall wart style of plug to every room and a few more in between for good measure and they've all worked for nearly two years now.
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@michael.l.nelson yep. I have 10 Ikea Tradfri Wireless Control Outlets (Zigbee smart plugs) that are repeaters that work off of mains in every room with a fan.
An item to note. I got mine set up under ADT Smartthings and ran them for 2 years completely trouble free once set up. They showed up to Smartthings as "Thing", I guess in HE world that would be "Device". Anyway, I grabbed the proper DTH for the device, and added it, akin to adding a custom driver in HE, swapped the DTH / Driver definition, configured and more or less forgot about it until ADT / Samsung gave us the heave ho off of their cloud garbage...
The bulbs MIGHT be problematic in my case, however my bulbs are the LEDVANCE Sylvania bulbs, not the Lightify Sylvania bulbs. I know the Lightify ones cause mesh issues with Zigbee, they did in Smartthings as well. I know Smart Bulbs aren't exactly beloved here due to problems they can cause. I am almost wondering if it would be worth looking into a Zigbee bridge like the LEDVANCE / Sylvania bridge or if that would just cause problems.
At least FOR NOW, my fans are functioning as they should. Time will tell. I am almost afraid to trip the rest of them into pairing mode lest I break what I have confiugred...