Haiku Fan (Big Ass Fans) support

Welcome to Hubitat artshaneadrian.

Once you have added the code for the driver, go to Devices and click on "Add Virtual Device". In the drop down list for "Type", scroll down to the bottom for user drivers and select the Haiku driver there. That should get you on your way.

@zackrbrown I added a PR. a bunch of updates:

  • added DeviceID for reliability
    ** GetDeviceID to obtain and then fill into Settings... not sure if it's needed but saw other sites use it.
  • added ability to set fan speed with integer 0-100
  • added sleep on\off
  • added whoosh on\off
  • added delay to UDP commands to reliably get UDP responses
  • added fan auto (motion) on\off
  • added motion timeout value
  • made events persistent (sendEvent vs createEvent)

One More PR.. I had a bug with Fan Levels
GitHub - samsonusmc/hubitat-haiku-driver: A Hubitat Elevate driver for Haiku fans for anyone else who needs it before the Merge

Is this still in development? I've added my fan to Hubitat and from the device page everything functions well

My plan was to use Homebridge v2 to pass the device through to HomeKit. It works, but the controls are very strange. Clicking the fan turns the light on and off, and fan speed does work, but as you increase the speed it also turns on the light. Is there anything I can do in Hubitat to fix how it gets passed through?

Perhaps if I could set it into 2 separate devices, it would work?

Please see my fork if you'd like the light and fan to be separate devices. I use this version successfully with Homebridge: GitHub - dineshpannu/hubitat-haiku-driver: A Hubitat Elevate driver for Haiku fans

Still waiting for these changes to be merged into the mainline by the author. Perhaps I should start a new thread for my fork and continue developing that?

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Thanks so much! I'm going to try it out

Do I need to do anything special in the device config, or just punch in name and IP? I saw the child devices toggle and I wasn't sure if I should check that

Yep, enable child devices to get separate child devices for fan and light. I believe the rest of the configuration should be similar to the original driver.

Thank you!

What device did you select the fan as when you pushed it through to Homebridge? Just "Fans" or maybe a 5 speed fan?

From memory I selected the fan speed that matched the number of levels our fan has.

I finally got a chance to test this out, it works great

It does seem to turn the light on when the fan comes on, but its easy enough to just turn it off again

Are you pointing Homebridge to the parent driver or the child driver for the fan? Using the child driver for the fan shouldn't turn the light on. The "on" switch on the parent driver turns on both children. I'll check with mine when I get home.

The parent, the fan does not show up as a child for me. Only the light does

Interesting. Did you add haiku-fan-driver.groovy to Hubitat as well as haiku-fan.groovy? Add that and then toggle child devices again.

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I missed that one, I added it and now it's perfect!


So found out that if you upgrade from the haiku app to the big ■■■ fans app.. old integrations break.
I haven't had a chance to figure out what the new APIs are but it looks like they are cloud link now. I can remote control My fan went off the network.
Hopefully this is good long-term news, but in the short term it's frustrating

I made the same discovery during a critical time - ugh. I continue to try an educate myself on how these drivers are getting created so that I can help when issues like these popup. Unfortunately, I'm unless wrt to the Haiku Drivers breaking after BAF changed their firmware. I am researching how to revert back to the prior version. Thanks in advance to those smart folks that understand how to fix the Haiku Driver(s). Cheers!

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Someone appears to have figured out how to make the new firmware work with homebridge; this may be useful in deciphering the API:

This was originally just for the i6, but they have added Haiku with the new firmware:

Thanks for the heads up - really appreciate the info. I wish I could help you in deciphering the APIs, but I'm completely lost. Of note, I'm still trying to get Homebridge to work with Hubitat - one step at a time. Again, thank you for helping us out!

I should have read this thread, but made the plunge on a single fan (one for a litany of reasons I don't really control via Hubitat) of my 4 Haiku fans.

Confirmed, upgraded firmware doesn't work with the existing Hubitat drivers out there. Following in hopes of a solution.

Love the BigA fans, love Hubitat! Following in hopes of an updated solution to reintegrate.