Had anyone succeded connecting a TI USB Dongle to Wireshark? Or must I purchase a conbee?

I've been working for days (pretty much all day, being retired allows met spend too much time on this) trying to get a TI USB Zigbee dongle to connect to Wireshark.

I know the dongle works because I can read the network traffic in the TI packet sniffer (can see the expected address but cannot decode the data.

Has anyone succeeded with this configuration? If so what did you do?


Unless you added the transport key in the sniffer app, the frames will be encrypted and you won’t be able to decode them
Add another Zigbee device while the sniffer is running and you should be able to grab the key

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Mike, Hopefully one more little help.
I cannot seem to capture the "transport key" when adding a new Zigbee device.

I've tried with a " trust center link key" (one at a time)

The results of a new zigbee pairing are;

Where the blue highlight is the first message to the divide being paired (found the ID after the device was paired and searched for the initial message with the 0xfe52 destination.

The most information I can get is this:

(this was a previous attempt so the PANID is from the same device being paired)

Any thoughts (except I'm a PIA)?

BTW when successful I plan on creating detailed instructions of how to duplicate what I did.

The well known trust center link key of: 5A:69:67:42:65:65:41:6C:6C:69:61:6E:63:65:30:39
Needs to be added, then join a device to fetch the current transport key, this will be sent to a joining device.

Once you add the transport key you should be able to decode everything