[GUIDE] Synology docker for echo-speaks-server ( echo-speaks)

I got it working... was reading through the other thread and saw people recommend restarting the Docker container... after I did that, I was able to get the Amazon login to stick.

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buried in this thread is a 'dont use the beta' comment that went undisputed.
recently while working on improving my cookie monitor tile - I found that comment. Following a later blurb - use HPM to unmatch, then rematch to the NONE beta improved me a lot and gave me this as well: (note the app and driver version update). That in conjunction with the ES Tile is no providing me excellent monitoring and function.


I got everything but the Amazon authentication to work. When I click the Goto Login Page, I get this.

[Alexa Logo]

Sorry, we couldn't find that page.

Now I have gotten as far as logging in to the Amazon page

Amazon Alexa Cookie Retrieved Successfully

You will be redirected back to the config page in 5 seconds.

then 5s later it is back at the Blue button (goto login page).

After logging in and it redirects you back DO NOT press the save button, that seems like it clears the login for me.

Thanks. I tried that too. The button never changes to orange for me.

Is anyone else getting a 502 error when connection to the web ui.
Echo speaks is working and I have tried this on several browsers.