[GUIDE] IKEA Firmware Updates

117C-2100-01000036 is LED2013G5 - E27 806lm WW Bulb. 'NEW' because of updated energy rating

On pairing it wrongly identified as an IKEA Tradfri Control Outlet (E1603) from @dandanache ikea device driver family. changed to Advanced Zigbee bulb, and all appears fine.

Firmware updated from 01000025 to 01000036

  • ndpointId: 01
  • firmwareMT: 117C-2100-01000025
  • inClusters: 0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000,FC7C
  • manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
  • model: TRADFRI bulb E27 WW globe 806lm
  • outClusters: 0019
  • softwareBuild: 1.0.36

fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000,FC7C", outClusters:"0019", model:"TRADFRI bulb E27 WW globe 806lm", manufacturer:"IKEA of Sweden"


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117C-2200-03000010 is LED2107C4 - E14 770lm WS Candle

Paired as a 'device', changed to Advanced Zigbee CT bulb
fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0300,1000,FC57,FC7C", outClusters:"0019", model:"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS candle 470lm", manufacturer:"IKEA of Sweden"

Firmware updated from 02040004 to 03000010


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117C-2100-01000036 is LED2104R3 - GU10 345Lm WW

On pairing it wrongly identified as an IKEA Tradfri Control Outlet (E1603) from @dandanache ikea device driver family. changed to Advanced Zigbee bulb, and all appears fine.

Firmware updated from 01000025 to 01000036

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 01
  • firmwareMT: 117C-2100-01000036
  • hwVersion: 01
  • manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
  • model: TRADFRI bulb GU10 WW 345lm8
  • softwareBuild: 01000036
  • type: LED2104R3

fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000,FC7C", outClusters:"0019", model:"TRADFRI bulb GU10 WW 345lm8", manufacturer:"IKEA of Sweden"



Looks like you got yourself some really nice things! :shopping_cart:

Thank you so much for your continuous contribution! List was updated :+1:


It was only because they had the cabinets unlocked as I bulk-bought the Valhorn Motion sensor (I wanted to test the consistency of the lux readings between sensors). Plus they had reduced the previous versions of bulbs to £/€3 each.

I needed a larger trolley :slight_smile:

Now, if I could just get the last remaining 'new' GU10/LED2106R3 to pair...

Lord of the Bulbs.

Click & Collect, It's not just for large items anymore and no queueing :+1: Although I did get funny looks ordering only a 50p tea towel and a contact sensor :grinning:
At my local IKEA (Leeds) you're lucky if you can park at the weekend. C&C is usually a separate building with it's own parking

The few times my wife and I went to IKEA, we either got lost trying to figure out the shortcuts or we got stuck behind a family of lollygaggers that walked slowly 5 abreast.

My hips and knees prefer Click and Collect.

I get charged $5.00 for the service but they give me a $5.00 coupon for next time.

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I've been waiting to do this for a while, but it looks like one of my Tradfrei bulbs isn't supported.

I have four GU10's, and they were bought in two batches, I think the one that is giving me the issue was either the first, or the last bulb I purchased.

The other three report as:
after the update.

The buld that won't update was set to this User driver:
Changing the driver to Advanced CT Bulb, or just "Device" makes no difference.

And shows this firmware

But I get this error message in the logs:

117C-2205 is on the list, but not as a GU10 CTW bulb

Any ideas?

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According to the list and to your screenshots, the bulb is at its latest version (1.0.012), and no update is needed.

The message you get in the logs also confirms it: "Firmware update for ... is not available" means that the Hubitat hub does not a have newer firmware version to update to.

You are right, the list is a work in progress, and I try to update when folks report new or missing devices (like in your case).

Edit: I updated the list to include your device!

All in all, your GU10 bulb has the latest firmware version. Enjoy it! :slight_smile:


Just tried to update my E1810 remote(the "wheel") it never started,even tho the battery was 70% , I placed a new battery and rebooted the C7(because the memory drops 200kb within 30mins of reboot) and placed the remotw on top of the hub, and the update started.
I even tried to update it on Z2M, Z2M said no update available.

Can you post the "Data" info at the bottom of the device details page in Hubitat? Interested in the "firmwareMT" value.

Hey Dan, so even tho I had your driver installed, it joined as device, so I manually switched drivers and rejoined. My data section is slim:

  • endpointId: 01
  • firmwareMT: 117C-11C1-24040005

But the firmware did update and it took quite a while like you mentioned

E1810 button is connected but nothing shows in the logs when buttons are pressed. Maybe it will work in button controller? I'll check it out as I've seen other buttons behave this way.
Nope no response even when button controller app setup.
Should I try to re-pair again?

Yep. You should also see more lines in the Data section. The configuration process that is ran durin pairing puts them there.

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That did the trick, Thanks Dan.

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 24
  • firmwareMT: 117C-11C1-24040005
  • hwVersion: 01
  • manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
  • model: TRADFRI remote control
  • softwareBuild: 24.4.5
  • type: E1810

all buttons reporting in

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Is there some magic trick to get the E1766 to update firmware? I have three and I can get "Starting firmware update...", but then it errors out. My last attempt I kept tapping the button to make sure it stayed awake hoping to see the "firmware update is 10% complete..." (this works great for the blinds) but no love. The blinds updated fine, but the buttons are not feeling it. Any advice?

EDIT: Must have just needed to post this in order for it to work. One last try and one of the E1766 is updating. Weird. I changed nothing.


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with both my Ikea remote and Inovelli blue switch I had to put them next to, within inches, of the Hubitat

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It is total magic to me. I had better luck doing them from another room. :man_shrugging:

I am just happy to have the 9 hours of firmware updates done. All three blinds and all three buttons are now updated

EDIT: I think one problem was that some of the buttons were not properly paired. They worked fine, but did not show the full set of information in the Data section of device details. I repaired them a few times until the data fully populated. Then to update the firmware, I clicked “ok" to the firmware update within a second of pressing a button on the remote.

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Hi @dandanache , if it's easy would it be possible to add a last updated column to the table at the top please, eg mm/yy :pray: It might make it easier for those that check now and again if there's an update

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