Switch driver/type to "Device", then use the available options to "Delete All Current States" and "Delete All States", then go back to regular driver/type.
Ah!! Fabulous! Thanks Muchly!
So I am having the same issue with the DZPD3. I did notice the leviton FAQ page did mention that the x51 version can be updated. I have to dig around to get at my dimmers as they are plugged in behind furniture but will try to see if perhaps I don't have that version? Update seemed to have worked otherwise (in the driver anyway), just continues to show firmware version 1.13.
I ultimately got my DZPD3 devices to update to v 1.22, however, I couldn't get the HE method to work. I was a prior HomeSeer user so I had a license to Z-Flash and had an old z-wave stick. I ended up creating virtual devices for my 4 leviton dimmers, used the swap device HE feature, removed them from my network, added to Z-Flash network, flashed new firmware, removed from Z-Flash, added back to my C8 network, and used the swap device to swap back out with the virtual devices.
I also tried to add z-flash to my HE network but it didn't seem to work and I was worried that I would pooch my network. It would be awesome if I could get this to work because Z-Flash is a 100 times easier to use than the HE firmware updater.
At least I can confirm that the DZPD3 is flashable.
I received the "failed memory" message as well. Is there no alternative besides the Zooz stick workaround?
Failed memory here too... :S
January 2025. Any update to the "FAILED: insufficient memory" issue? Trying to update the firmware on my DZ6HD switches.
(why is this so hard?!?!?)
Pretty sure you can just rename the ota to otz, I compared the ota with a Zooz otz and they look to be the same format. I am testing on my DZPD3 right now, still uploading.
EDIT: It worked and I got back status code 255
255:"New image was successfully stored in temporary non-volatile memory. The device will now start storing the new image in primary non-volatile memory dedicated to executable code. Then the device will restart itself."
This is the device kicking this error back, so its not really an HE issue I dont think.
You could try renaming the ota file to otz and using the built in updater app.
I was able to send the update to a DZPD3 using that method just now. Mine was already updated but it took it and flashed it, did not fail.
I tried renaming the file but it didn't make any real progress. Just hung after uploading it. The only feedback I ever get is when I do it using the drive method - at least that tells me it ran out of memory. With the built in app it just hangs. Thanks anyway. I am not going to pay $50 for stick. Leviton should provide a way to support their products.
Having come from HA, I am far too acquainted with Z-Wave Update nightmares. I have a Proxmox server with Z-Wave JS UI installed.
After experiencing similar issues and seeing @Heatvent's post about using Z-Flash, I ended up firing up my container, adding my Leviton DZ6HD dimmer to it, updating the firmware and then using the "replace" option on inclusion in HE.. took me less than 5 minutes.
Leviton should provide a way to support their products
They do have a Windows-based updater (requires an Aeotec stick I think). Also they support Home Assistant. But I'd really like for them to work with Hubitat and make it seamless.
You can update from Hubitat, you replied to a guide about it...
It has worked for me in the past anyway.
I've upgraded Levitons in the past, but haven't been successful with their new 800 series like the ZW15S.
I have tried but backed out when after "uploading for 15 minutes only 2% had been accomplished. I know z-wave in only 100Kbps. But the firmware is small so ought to progress much better than that. I bought a z-wave USB stick for my PC but have not circled back to the task.