@nh.schottfam @gopher.ny
C8-Pro Builtin webCoRE
Noticed I was starting to having small issues with webCoRE not always running a piston a little while ago, but this is the first error that I can. point to. Looks like it is running every 30 minutes (although it sometimes skips to an hour) or so which corresponds to the recovery run timing. (I’ve changed it to every 3 hours to minimize for now.) CPU jumps to about 8% from the normal 1-2% when the errors are happening.
Any thoughts?
This seems to be looking for a piston app (child device), and it is not found.
Not sure offhand beyond some deleted the piston directly from the HE console (ie removed the child app).
I would expect if you reboot, or if you have debug on / full on the main webcore app, you should see Under HE console -> apps -> webcore main app, options for "Piston cleanups" under settings page
you can chose:
Clear all piston logs, trace, stats, optimization caches, reset all piston logs, stats settings to default
Danger: Clear all piston variables, piston caches, and logs
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I’ll try the first one and cross my fingers. As to what caused it, I don’t remember removing a piston in the wrong way, but I also have a cat that likes to poke keys and walk over the keyboard so….
And Thanks!
Edit: Looks like the first option cleared out the error. Thanks again.