Groups and Scenes

I'm proud to be maybe the first MEWG! :grinning:

Maybe this is known issue - I didn't see chatter about it above... When using the clone option, it appears the activate and capture devices get the name "scene clone". When you change the name of the scene the device names do not change. Thus I have several "clone" switches and not sure which scene they actually apply to.

Diggin in, in the options, it appears there is an Application State named NN that does match the name of the devices - very weird.

It has to name them something. You can change the device names if you want, just edit the Label field. The app uses their device id to refer to them, not their names.

And, don't worry about nn. That's a transitional mechanism to get the devices from the clone source into the clone copy.

Gotcha, just didn't know that was the behavior and lost track of which clone is which.

If I delete the activation and/or capture devices, does it recreate them when I click Done in the app?

Yes it does.

Hey all

Has anyone created a way to reset lights to the pre-scene state beyond what @bravenel stated in post ~50?


You could capture the state of the lights with RM, and have RM activate the scene, and then later restore the prior state. You'd need a rule like this one, where myActivator is some other device, not the one created by Scene.

Conditions: myActivator On
Rule: myActivator On
Actions for True: Capture [Scene devices], activate myScene
Action for False: Restore

In this case, when myActivator is turned On, the rule captures all of the Scene devices, and then activates the Scene. When myActivator is turned Off, it restores the devices to their prior state.

Another way to do it would be to clone the Scene in question, and use it as the capture / restore mechanism.

The rule would be this;

Condition: myActivator On
Rule: myActivator On
Actions for true: On: CloneScene-Capture-switch, activate myScene
Action for false: Activate CloneScene

With this method, turning on myActivator causes the cloned scene to capture the settings, and then later that scene can be activated to restore the settings.

Thanks Bruce, I'll give it a go


Hey @bravenel,

I created a new scene, however I can't get it to be discovered by Alexa. My other scene is in Alexa and works great, not sure why this one won't show up.



Did you add it to the Alexa App in HE?

Thanks Ryan780

Why is something that's lost always found in the last place you look... LOL

I'm good to go now

Thanks again

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Is it possible to use a scene for random colors for RGBW bulbs?

I'd like to set a scene to just choose a random color with a PIco button press, then on an additional button press use another random color.

Just group the lights and use the button controller to set the lights to random on a press. Then each time you press the button it will change.

Wow - that was easy! I had to take a guess that the middle button on the Pico was #3 and I got it right the first time. Thanks!

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I'm hoping someone can tell me if this is expected behavior with zigbee groups as well as integrated Hue lights. I can issue a setcolortemperature or hue and saturation to individual Sylvania RGBW bulbs and the bulb will remain off, which is nice because when I issue a setlevel from a dimmer or alexa, there is no transition from whatever it was previously set to. Unfortunately this does not work with zigbee groups or with the Hue lights individually or in groups (Hue bulbs connected to the Hue bridge). I also notice that only some of the lights in the group will update to the current state under devices, or in the dashboard, which means that my rules have become more complicated in order for the individual devices to show up properly, which seems to be necessary in order for dimming purposes with a button dimmer, otherwise I end up with some bulbs in a group not dimming because they don't appear to be "on". For example: If I send a setlevel command with zigbee group messaging to 9 bulbs, generally 3 or 4 of the bulbs won't be updated in the device this a bug ? @mike.maxwell or @bravenel

Can someone help me here as this is going to destroy my OCD, do I need both the scene and the capture or can I delete the capture ?

I haven't removed anything, but now my scenes have turned to not set, what does that mean? how do i change it ?

ah, and thirdly sorry - is there a tile that will show me the current activated scene ? can't seem to find one that reports the current scene

If you don't want the capture, then turn it off within the scene.

If you have the scene activated then that switch will remain on unless you have it ignoring turning the scene off.

@Ryan780 what is the capture for ?

can anyone help with the Scene (not set) please.
When I delete the scene and redo it it appears on, but after 24hrs I go back into it to edit it / tweak it asnd it turns to (not set) straight away before I even change anything.

The capture is to capture the settings of the scene. As in the lights levels and whatnot.

The reason the scene goes to not set is because you have it set to ignore the scene turning off. That's how a scene works. I recommend you read this article.