Groups and Scenes - Caching..?

I am a recent convert to setting up my lighting on a HE hub, enjoying the abundance of options available now compared to my Hue Hub.

A minor grievance (that I'm sure I'll work through) is that when manipulating Groups and (particularly) Scene definitions, in conjunction with rules in the HE Motion and Mode Lighting or Button Controller Apps, changes to the Scene definitions don't seem to take effect as soon as they are applied, i.e. when motion or Buttons are next triggered. I also had issues seeing some scenes being available in the Scenes by Mode options for Motion Lighting rules. Any thoughts on why / how this may happen?

I'm not sure if it is some kind of "save" option I have used to make some changes stick and others not....


I'm now wondering if it is some kind of issue with maintaining the status of scene activation.... I had noticed that if group light settings were adjusted or scenes in a group switched from one to another that the status' were not being updated appropriately.... I think... Also, some of my motion zones were not configured for a newly added mode....

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