Grouping sensors.....IFTTT

Hi. I just scored a great deal on 7 water / leak sensors that i plan on putting under each sink ( to monitor for leaks). I have a rule set up in IFTTT that alerts me if either of the sensors get wet. But i really dont want to set up 7 different alerts. Is there any way to treat all 7 as a virtual device, and connect that to IFTTT so it will trigger if any of those sensors get wet?

Why not just use Hubitat Safety Monitor to monitor these leak sensors and send you a push notification if any detect a leak?

To answer you original question, yes you could add a virtual leak/water/moisture sensor. Then have RM monitor all 7 of the real ones and set the virtual one to wet using a Custom Action if needed, and to dry if not needed.

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Speaking from recent experience, when you are awakened in the middle of the night by a leak notification, it's nice to have the name of the sensor that is triggering. If you combined all sensors into one, you'd lose the ability to immediately know where the leak is. As @ogiewon suggested, HSM is an easy way to monitor. I built a rule in RM that notifies me and turns on lights adjacent to the reported leak.

Both great ideas. Never thought oh HSM. Really only started usung that last week to rest Konnected IO.

Appreciate the idea. I never thoight of HSM. Will set up that way. Thanks

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Not sure what im doing wrong.
I set up HSM with my water sensors β€œalarmed” and when i wet one of the sensors it will flag an alert but not text me. And i tried every version of number from. 346, 1346, +1346, +001346

Any thoughts.

Hit reply on previos thread if you have any idea to try. Thanks in advance. Mac

SMS Text essayist is going away in an upcoming release. I would advise the use of Pushover or Twilio for notifications.

Thanks. Will look into pushover

Pushover worked great for me in the past. My wife and I recently switched from iOS to Android phones and I didn't set up Pushover on the new ones. For us, notifications through the Hubitat Mobile App have worked perfectly. Just another option.

i tried using the native SMS push in HSE but it wouldn't send, then ogiwon mentioned that the sms text was going away - so until sorted i set up great so far. I used the device option.... %device% and it will even tell me which sensor is wet. Not sure what the in app cost will be once the free period is over...hopefully not that much

or maybe i mis understood your comment.....if you have the mobil just look for the text?

The Hubitat Mobile App for iOS and Android supports push notifications. This is free.

This is not SMS texting, but for most users it is good enough. For users who really want/need SMS text messaging, Hubitat is now supporting Twilio.

So, there are multiple solutions for notifications:

Push Notifications

  • Hubitat Mobile App (free)
  • Pushover (~$5, one time fee)
  • other community integrations

SMS Text

  • current SMS functionality, 10 msgs per day (soon to be eliminated)
  • Twilio (low cost, works worldwide)
  • other community integrations
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I'm sorry. I was just mentioning another method of notification.
An example: I have HSM monitoring for doors left open. I've chosen to have a message sent to the phones with the mobile app installed.

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Appreciate that.
Now i'm changing threads and going back to Konnected set fun fun .

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