Group On/Off Optimization question

In Groups there is a check box to "Enable On/Off Optimization". I could not find any info on that setting in the docs or community search.

What does that do/not do?

With "Enable on/off optimization" enabled, the app will not send an "on" or "off" command to members of the group that already report being in the desired end state. For example, if you send "off" to a group of three bulbs and two are reporting as on and one is reporting as off, it will only send the "off" command to the two that report as on.

Theoretically, leaving this enabled should cut down on traffic and make everything work better, but you can imagine the problems that would occur if a device doesn't report its status properly back to the hub for some reason (a problem in itself that you might want to fix, but old Z-Wave switches sometimes don't, and the only workaround would be polling, which has its own problems). So basically, it's a setting you can consider toggling if you notice problems either way.

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Bruce touched on this briefly in their last podcast.

His explanation starts at the 15:30 mark:

Thanks for the explanation.

I just tried this with a group of Sengled Element Classic bulbs, using both the Sengled driver as well as the Generic Zigbee Bulb driver. I would turn on one bulb in the Group, and the status of all is correctly shown in the Dashboard as well as the Device status. With the Generic driver turning the Group switch Off continues to send the Off command to all devices in the Group, but the Sengled driver does not - so the Sengled supports the feature.

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