Looking for some steps to help get to the bottom of this. I have 12 zigbee bulbs Sylvania RT 5/6 Color in a group that I trigger using RM4. They come on to a color temp around sunset and then off at an amount of time. Between sunset and sunrise they will turn off if contact sensor is triggered and adjust to CT 2000 @ 80% settting. After 3 mins they return to "captured state" of bulbs at time if trigger event.
I'm finding these are turning on with "no" trigger and can't figure out why. Not all events show up in the "events" of the device either (I only looked at SOC9 to be clear). There was an on event not shown between 10:59 am and 11:49 am. It can be seen in the logs however.
I have not idea if it is this rule triggering the lights to come on or what. Either way looking to get pointed in a direction as they should not be coming on during the day.
See logs, RM rule (was doing this prior to latest update this am) and group. Hub version Was doing this prior to latest update.
No these bulbs have not been updated to the latest version software, but I have a feeling that is worth trying. Always a pain removing and adding devices back in which is why I've avoided it.
I can't be sure as I haven't trawlled your logs in any great detail however, just recently the Hubitat Live, Bruce explained how to simplify rules and your example is nearly identical - avoiding the "changed" trigger. Have a look at this post where they have written out the example he talked through: In case you missed it! Learn about the KISS Threshold This may remove redundant triggers of the rule...
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I watched that video yesterday morning. I find the stuff the staff is doing on youtube very helpful in figuring out how to best operate, setup and optimize the system. I'll look into changing this and I might even do the rule over from scratch.
Whats weird is that the dashboard (even after refreshing) displays the group as being on yet (I can tell you they are not on). The individual bulbs per the dashboard does report as being off. I wonder if HE thinks the group is one which is why when the trigger happens it's setting the bulbs to 80%, it thinks that's where it is already.
I have something similar where individuals and groups are on the same Dashboard. They update correctly for me whereby if the group turns off, the individuals turn off.
I did play around with the group "on vs. off" checkbox but yours looks to be on correctly. Are you sure there is not a rouge bulb in the group which isn't on the dashboard? You have a long list so I can't see...
Look at the previous screen shot. The "east porch 1" bulb shows on. See below, yep on at 0%. Ok This makes sense why the Dashboard group is "on" still. "East porch 1" is part of the "Outdoor light color only" group, so I'm not sure why that wouldn't be in the off state given I initiated the command to turn offer earlier this morning. All others did as shown by their state in the dashboard.
Might be time for the nuclear option. Upgrade the software on all the bulbs and rebuild this whole thing.
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