Groovy/Hubitat "Power Meter" Capability Question

I am using Mike Maxwell's Aeon HEMv1 device driver but it has no "Power Meter" capability. I'm looking to change that.

For those of you not familiar with this device, it reads the power using magnets on the hot line. There are 2 clamps.

What's the best way to create events for this device/capability but using the two individual power clamps, not just one?

I would like to use one of the other laundry apps on the HPM "store" AND use grafana to monitor as well.

As it stands now, I think it's going to have to be child devices to separate washer vs dryer.

Also, anyone know a better way or have a better driver for this unit, please let me know.

You'll either have to use two child devices, each with the standard capability and the attribute it requires, or use one or two custom attributes on the parent device (if one, you could use the standard attribute for the other if you want).

A single device can only have one of the same attributes, this being one of the purpose child devices serve.

I've done tons of editing to drivers, ever since SmartThings, but have no clue about writing a child device for this purpose.

If you have anything that you think would be useful for an example, I would like to look over it.

Does the parent report to the children?

Or, do I have to put the Z-wave commands in for the children?

I'd suggest starting with the docs (and examples they link to):

Is yours actually an HEM v1 or is it a v5?

V1. Why? Does v5 have a better laundry driver?

The previous post with the instructions was a little too abbreviated.

just wanting to make sure you have the right driver for the right device. That said you better laundry manager available in HPM. Easy setup. Will work fine with that.

Personally I got rid of my zooz HEM's. Didn't like their limitations. I prefer Iotawatt. 100% local, works with hubitat and you can output to grafana/influxdb

Pretty sure "Laundry Manager" needs Power meter(s).

The only thing I see is from Mike Maxwell and it doesn't have power meter in the code.

If you are talking about something else, please give me a GitHub address, please.

what attributes does it have available on the device page?

capability "Configuration"
capability "Switch"
capability "PushableButton"
//capability "Energy Meter"

    attribute "washerWatts", "string"
    attribute "dryerWatts", "string"
    attribute "washerState", "string"
    attribute "dryerState", "string"

That is exactly as written from the HPM download.

whats it say on the device page though... (not in the driver)

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@csteele does better laundry uses watts or volts? Can watts be added?

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 12.15.06 PM

Watts and Power are the same thing. Watts are the unit of measure for Power. Just like Gauss is the unit of measure for Magnetism.

Which Driver is this? If I can install the specific driver, perhaps I can provide a solution.

Larry didn't seem to write anything. It is Mike's driver.

That App and the one @rlithgow1 mentioned (my Better Laundry Monitor -- BLM) are both just recipients of data found in the selected device, and its Driver. Which HEMv1 driver are you using?

I use BLM to monitor my kids TV power use and shut it down 'after hours' on school nights. But that's because the Device/Driver that the TV is plugged into is selectable in BLM. In my case, I probably have to change the L of BLM to mean "Life" :smiley:

Right, but that one listed above is only a driver and it doesn't separate the power because it's not possible to separate 'power1' from 'power2'

That app picks from power meters, which is why I need to make two children (washer and dryer) for this to work right.

Grafana would be nice too.

I've looked at my fair share of parent & child drivers, from what I have seen, there is no logic to it which makes it a little harder.

Here you go. This driver was originally written by Mike Maxwell for the SmartThings platform, then modified by me for the Hubitat platform many years ago. I haven't used it for a long time, but I did use it specifically for monitoring washer and dryer, treating each CT clamp individually.

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Mike's one that Larry has on the HPM does something quite similar to this. Unfortunately, there is no way to monitor power/energy with it currently.

The energy meter is commented out on this, like Mike's was.

This isn't about alerts, got that handled. It's being able to monitor watts on Grafana which (as far as I understand) is going to require child drivers which I have no clue how to write or where to start.

Gotcha! I don't have one of these old Aeon V1 Power Monitoring devices any longer, or else I might have taken a stab at making the changes.