Govee Integration Revove

I keep getting notice on my Hubitat Package Manager, that there is an update for Govee. I had thought I removed this app, as I do not have those lights anymore, but I cannot seem to get rid of this update notification. How do you find this, and eliminate the ask to update.

What version of the Govee Integration? By chance was it v1 or v2?

If you go into HPM and use its menu's to look at what is currently matched, do you see it there?

How did you remove the Govee app, did you just uninstall it? Did you ever remove it from HPM. Uninstalling it (ie. Clicking remove button) will uninstall it from the hub so it isn't running, but the software is still there if you wanted to add it back. If you remove it via HPM then it will be off the hub and HPM will no longer track/check it.

Go into HPM, first try to Uninstall the package from within HPM.
If that fails, you can go to the HPM settings and then use UnMatch at the very bottom to make HPM "forget" about it.

If you use the UnMatch, then you can go into your app/driver code lists and manually clean up any leftover code if you would like.


Sorry for late response, working a lot. I ran the uninstall in HPM, and got the following.

Uninstall in progress
Your uninstall is currently in progress... Please wait...
Uninstalling Govee Integration
Uninstalling Govee Lights, Plugs, and Switches Driver
Fatal error occurred, rolling back

I do not recall what version I was running. When I run HOM uninstall I get the following

Uninstall in progress
Your uninstall is currently in progress... Please wait...
Uninstalling Govee Integration
Uninstalling Govee Lights, Plugs, and Switches Driver
Fatal error occurred, rolling back

Without knowing the live logging error that occured hard to tell what issue HPM had.

Did you try the second option @jtp10181 mentioned to simply unmatch it in HPM and then manually remove the pieces from the App code and Driver codes sections under the developer menu.

No I do not know how to go into HPM and Unmatch at very bottom mean, sorry, not the brightest at this

FOUND IT, and have unmatched, thank you