[Deprecated]Govee Integration for Govee Light, Switches, Plug, and now Appliances

New-ish to the govee ecosystem and I was able to get the H6010 BR30 can lights working with your driver fine, as well as my strip lights.

I was able to create a DIY in the govee app for all of my bulbs and strips that works ok, and I'm able to call the DIY from the strip light device in hubitat, but I'm really not sure how to activate the scene on the bulbs. They don't show up with the local LAN option in govee... Is it possible to call scenes and DIYs for cloud devices or am I trying to do something that's not even possible yet?

The scenes used for the string lights are my best guess as to what would work with them considering the type of device they are. I don't have any of those string lights and so the scenes used are based on the scenes I could extract for the Govee Ground lights. I can update the list for all of those outdoor string lights if you can extract them via the scene extract tool and send me the data. I can provide a good way to do it if you are up for it.

Generally the scenes below 100 are scenes numbered to match Wiz device scenes. With the idea being they can work together. I use this for instance in my bedroom where i have 2 Wiz connected bulbs in lamps , a Neon Rope, a Lyra Lamp and a Govee Y lite kit. It is really nice to have them all on the same page in automations.

The only scenes I have put in the integration for that device type are up to 145 so i am not sure how you got over 200. I would need to see logs for the device with the details as to what was pulled to start researching it.

Is there a list of lights that work locally?

In a way yes, but even that is complicated. I have this spreadsheet in the first post of this thread. For the most part i have been maintaining it. There is also the list in their documentation for the API. Here is a image take from it of the current supported list

The problem is the Govee list is incomplete and the spreadsheet i have is likely incomplete as well though i try to update it as much as i can.

The Govee List is incomplete because they removed devices that they were not able to update all versions of the device. The Aura Table Lamp H6052 is a good example of that. Some of the older versions don't have a controller that can do the LAN API like mine. It seems like they simply removed it to prevent it from being called out. Then new items often take time to get put on the list. The Govee Curtain Lights which were recently added are a good example. They are not listed, but do support it as well. I also have the Sconces (H6088) which are lan enabled but not listed.

My list has been updated as they have changed their official documentation. So you can see if a device was removed, but I only add what I can either test, or what has been documented at some point either by talking with govee support or their own documentation.

New light type devices that are wifi and alexa enabled are generally a pretty safe bets for LAN API. I have only found 1 such device for quite some time that doesn't support it and it is battery powered.

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This was one of the ones I'm looking at getting and the Christmas tree lights :+1:t2:

I'll tackle extracting the scenes. Just let me know how to do it and what format you would like the resulting data.


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Hey @mavrrick58 just wanted you to know I figured a way around it with a convoluted rule, but it works and now I have my H6199 set to turn on/off during evening times when my entertainment center is turned on lol..

Just wanted you to know your govee integration is working great for me, and to say Thanks,

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I played around with this a little more last night and if I change the H6010 light to local LAN control in the Hubitat device settings, the DIY shows up but does not work. Once I switch the LAN back off they go away.

I settled for just setting them to specific colors for now which works great from the integration, but I feel like I'm missing something about how to call scenes for non-LAN devices still.

Both of those support Local LAN API, but the Christmas tree lights are a odd one in that don't support the Cloud API. This just means you need to use the manual add method added in a few revisions back.

I will send you a DM in a few mins of the best way to do it.

Fantastic!! I do something kind of like this with a Smart Plug that can do power mettering. It monitors the plug and when it gets to a certain watts activates the lights. I am glad to hear it is working so well for you.

So when you flip that switch to "Enable Local LAN control" all commands take a different path. If your device doesn't support it and it isn't turned on in the Govee Home app on the device everything should stop.

The triggers to populate the list of diyEffects and Scenes is just triggered by turning on the switch to "Enable Local LAN control" and you putting in a IP. We don't have a way to validate if LAN control is available or not on a device.

Unfortunately the way that scenes work currently requires LAN control so you are not missing anything. It just doesn't work for your device.

I am trying to find ways to fix it. I have a few Cloud only devices myself. There are three light product lines that stand out to me are all bulbs, anything battery powered, and most tv light kits that include strips. None of the devices in that lines support Local LAN API. But Pretty much every other newish light device released in the last year or so does as long as it supports Alexa and wifi.

If i find a way i will most certainly add it as quickly as i can.

I do see, and have local lan control enabled on mine. Not sure if it helps at all or not for whatever you're doing, but I just wanted you to know that the Local Lan Control option is available and enabled on my device.

@steelz1 .
The H6199 has a option to enable Lan Control in the Govee Home App? Is that what you are saying?

That is news to me. There is some stuff we could enable then if that is true. We can certainly enable scenes and some of the TV functions. Just need to collect it and add it to the app.

Let me wrap my head around this. I have two H6199's but they are early revisions. So i can't test it, but i may be able to extract the commands and get it added easily.

Well.. now the app is making me feel dumb.. I had it there a few days ago and I had it enabled, however, now it appears it's no longer in my settings, so maybe there was a snafoo with my app/device. So I take back what I said.. Now the H6199 does not have LAN Control lol. Sorry about that.

OK. Feeling dumb here. I can't find the "About Us" page to get the API Key. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I'm using the Govee Home iOS app on an iPhone. Thanks!

Nevermind. After struggling a long time I found it (after I posted!) it's now under Account Settings. Not "About us." Guess they moved it. The good news is that they immediately sent the API Key and the integration is working. I have a ton to learn now. Thanks!


Since you got the H6173's it should also support lan control.

First go into your router and setup a DHCP reservation for the strip. Then go to the device and set it to Local Lan Control save that setting change and then add the ip you setup. That will give you access to all of the scenes and remove rate limits on the Cloud API.

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Awesome. Done and it is working. Downloaded all the built-in effects which is like a zillion. Thanks again.

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Just received my Govee Curtain Lights (H70B1) yesterday and installed this integration v1.0.47. I have my API key and enabled local LAN control. With Hubitat, I am able to turn the lights on/off with no problem; however, scenes are kind of working but mostly not.

I retrieved the list of scenes and have their numbers. When I am on the Manual LAN API Device and put scene numbers into the "Set Effect" box, the curtain will display some of the scenes. Others it does nothing with. Out of all the scenes available, I would say maybe 25% will actually get switched to via Hubitat. When I use the Govee Home app - all work as expected. I've even noticed a scene or two missing from the list on the device on the Hubitat side that appear on the Govee Home app. Suggestions?

When it successfully switches to the scene, the debug logging on Hubitat looks like this:

dev:14222023-11-08 04:50:22.096 PMdebugsetEffect(): Activate effect number 110 called Meteor with command ["MwUEJgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQ="]

But when it fails, it looks like this:

dev:14222023-11-08 04:52:01.148 PMdebugsetEffect(): Activate effect number 108 called Moon with command ["owABMAxTAAD/AAAD8QEA6AGJUPE=", "owFORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAKY=", "owIUAAAAGggCAAAAOOHrKgAAAbw=", "owOvSURBVDgRlZQxbgIxEEW/SfA=", "owSiSCgSRWhoIiUtotlIkIoTcFI=", "owWInCQFJ+EKkfYEdFnEFkTb0o4=", "owbS0KRImkhx/swYsyAE6ynM2IM=", "owfrN//b2HY4jqxdG/mp5Uw7wKw=", "owivjtxo6w6/hl4bmWVHMAdjaSE=", "ownyp+FdRXERecPYtYRwazfvxDI=", "owqvX5bfqzufl/aNmBWylv7PK0A=", "owsL5VdjlHN04SayFvNi4pdhk5Q=", "owz1ObCV1L2G7WB+zrZhoX0YU9Q=", "ow2c4WelyTJvqiwYxS22Qb+xMjg=", "ow6xnqJqnvrspMDC9s081tJJsJ4=", "ow/N2XXn5K+lQlLQ/Aai3022rdU=", "oxAkxRbyz6WuWU1S/FGSRNg2fN0=", "oxHTF3SdCnO1jKKSNT/hSnuNmiI=", "oxL9Vt/qFWmu7GdRQD0DHzlafls=", "oxMZRy8lerbEM0/IGi9l1sI7Lgk=", "oxTye8MLEcQwiPOEZf6t5OrhBjM=", "oxW4/0Ovcs8HFnzex7bCAPjUsz8=", "oxZRyFc3lYspsM0NJfTQSq2uMnE=", "oxfsMrfBIfdZZYuKMC+ms7fOXto=", "oxgWVoklaG80VXtcpG7PaCIqptU=", "oxnJZA+zE3nmUkJDSpDhIlXNBvM=", "oxqJMeT17Kjtr92byNF6FZ0WGrc=", "oxtjDLOhcKv4mpNncIZNqpeIGJ4=", "oxwn2HOvc/EPir1zUsPuqgMAAIM=", "ox0AAElFTkSuQmCCBQBkAv//jVg=", "ox4AAIQAiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSbo=", "ox9IRFIAAAAUAAAAGggCAAAAON4=", "oyDh6yoAAABLSURBVDgRY2AgGuA=", "oyH8X0C00iGh8P/ZwenMweQuArw=", "oyJxTkAaEr7/twzOcIa7atA4kJ0=", "oyM2MU9UJEGjapBmCajrFsCjbJU=", "oyRkM0AxiidWaZOMYEEOAFy+F/Y=", "oyW8V+T/3wAAAABJRU5ErkJggqE=", "oyYFXGQD//+aAACRAIlQTkcNCmc=", "oycaCgAAAA1JSERSAAAAFAAAAJo=", "oygaCAIAAAA44esqAAAAWElEQZc=", "oylUOBFjYKAF+L+AFqZS2cz/W8U=", "oypIMJAuPvp/lgQXDWalKB5B4Sk=", "oytQ6GqS4owou6hvIlHWYlU04LQ=", "oyxuwUzl1Iw8rH4mXxDTseSbhc4=", "oy1d54DHB3ZnMYAihXi3UTmcAEg=", "oy4eSRtKYoGSpAAAAABJRU5ErvY=", "o/9CYIIDXGQD//8AAAAAAAAAAMQ=", "MwUEQx3/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJM="]

Thanks for the explanation. Great work on this integration either way, it works really well!

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You are not the only one. I had this issue months ago.

Their app is a steaming pile of :dog2: :poop: It is so convoluted and so cluttered I can never find the same thing twice in a row. I am not sure how people figure out how to make scenes or really effectively use these lights.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like this. Every time I have to do something in the Govee app it takes forever. Nothing is intuitive. It's an awful app. The worst I've used in a long time