Google sheets api app to connect with hubitat/webcore

I saw that a lot of users use spreadsheet to store and proceed data. I use hub variable to get cell value from my sheet myself. But updating a cell is another thing! We must use webhook from 3rd party app like ifttt but now its paid feature, or use a form with url to update the sheet... its a little tricky.
I just think of linking google sheet to webcore or hubitat and be able to select a project, sheet and cell to update directly. Maybe using a cell change as trigger in piston nor rues manager... Could be a lot helpfull, google sheets are a big machine to manage data with formulas and scripts...Since its in the cloud, no fear of power outage. So I send the ideas into universe! :slight_smile:

   Have a nice day!

I use it for a while as I said in my post... The other way is tricky (updating cell from outside). I m not telling that is not possible but, if we could set cell value from webcore and maybe use it as trigger directly it would be a nice thing! That s why I made this request, if someone get to it someday!

I tried it but I only see :slight_smile:

not the value... and is there a way to use this url from webcore to update the cell when I wish to?

Just saying, its not a non-API method, the app log your account like zapier or any other services and from there the data is sharing directly through both sides, not sure on protocol but shoud be api thing.

thaks for precision, for now, for my need, I just use a script in my google sheet that capture webrequest with range and value and can read or write value. I have to deploy the script but I can update any sheet / cell at any time with webrequest in webcore. Its more friendly for what I need that using the maker api and another formula to retreive string.

Here the link if it could be usefull for someone:

I just kept the function doGet(e) {} and edit it with my own variable and my own actions.

Thanks again!

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Yes, this is possible with the Rule Machine HTTP API:

I have trouble passing an email address into my string type variable, even if I use texte() formula inside my google sheet... Is there a workaround for this?

Not familiar with Google Sheets specifically or that function, but the first thing I'd try is URL-encoding the @ as %40 if you aren't already.

not working, everything that is not text is ignored by the variable. With date or time I use the texte() function but the @ cannot be turned into string (not by the sheet but not accepted by hubitat).
If I make it %40 it wont take it too.

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